How 3D Printers Are Changing The Fields of Education and Prototyping

3D printers, which are also referred to as additive manufacturing, are unique machines that can transform a digital file, such as a picture of something, into a three-dimensional, solid object. These objects are made by the machine laying down layers upon layers of the material you wish to use until the object is fully formed and functional.

3D printers

The process of using 3D printing will enable you to produce things that are simple or complex and are fully functional. It also means that you can save time and money because the process uses much less material than traditional methods of making something.…

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3D Printed Lattice: Breaking New Ground in Product Design

3D printers and their products are gaining increasing amounts of attention for their use in both education and innovative design. While you can quickly create some fun objects with a 3D printer, many of the groundbreaking products are being produced using what is called lattice structuring.

3D printed object

A lattice structure is a web-like, or honeycombed, design that has several design benefits. It can be created to be flexible or rigid. It can also withstand a high degree of pressure, is waterproof, lightweight, and has a high durability factor. Here are just a few of the ways that the 3D printed lattice is making new inroads in product design.…

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Helping Your 3D Printing Business Succeed: 4 Tips

Building any kind of startup can be challenging, and starting your own 3D printing business isn’t any less so. But knowing what challenges to anticipate, having a roadmap of common pitfalls, and notes on proven strategies, can all help steer you through that crucial first year.

The recipe for success will be different for every entrepreneur, but with luck, these proven tips and tricks can help your business succeed, whether you’re focusing on PCB design and manufacturing or fabricating jewelry and home decor.

Embrace Innovation

One of the beautiful elements of the 3D printing industry is its ability to be flexible and embrace new ideas.…

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