8 Online Payment Security Tips for Small Business Owners

With the major transition from physical stores and buildings to Internet-based businesses, more and more clients are eager to buy products and services online. Irrespective of the size of your business, offering your customers the possibility to securely pay online is the number one way to immediately boost your sales.

Making online payment

While the perks of accepting client payments online are obvious, the potential risks associated with online transactions (and the prospect of being labeled a high-risk merchant account) can still prevent business owners from introducing this wonderfully convenient option.

As a small business owner, you realize that in case some sort of hacking occurs within your online payment system, you’re going to be fully responsible for that.…

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Are You Still Accepting Online Card Payments?

PayPal has become a hugely popular method of accepting online payment for small to medium size merchants. It’s easy to see why – The setup requirements are minimal and PayPal’s history as an eBay partner means that it has a broad customer base. There are, however, sound reasons for either beginning or continuing to accept payment cards.

Using credit card payment for online purchases

Customer Choice

The more payment methods you support, the more chances there are that you will offer the customer’s preferred method. While PayPal has made its ease of use a major selling point, there are still compelling reasons for customers to prefer credit and debit cards.…

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