Businesses Can Respond to the Fraud Threats Posed Due to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect businesses in various ways. In some cases, it’s causing sales of a data breach or attack planning on the Dark Web but there are also other possible outcomes that can be quite risky for your business when sensitive information is sold online and ends up going public through hacking schemes.

Fraud threat protection

As the effects of the COVID pandemic continue to unfold, businesses are finding new and innovative ways to tackle fraud. Fraudsters are exploiting loopholes in systems and taking advantage of people’s fears during this time of crisis.

It often leads companies into bankruptcy court as well due to their inability to manage such large scale disasters from internal weaknesses within management practices.…

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Reasons Your Company Should Have a Fraud Hotline

Last year, total fraud for businesses and consumers reached an astounding $56 billion dollars. Employee theft, identity scams, and other forms of fraud result in tremendous losses each year — and yet, there are still businesses that don’t have the proper means to protect themselves.

Calling fraud hotline

While it’s nearly impossible to eliminate all risk of fraud, businesses can put measures in place that deter bad actors or prevent significant losses.

What’s the best way to protect your business? Setting up a fraud hotline.

Risks Associated with Not Having a Fraud Hotline

Business owners have a responsibility to take care of their customers, their employees, and their profits.…

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Stopping Fraud From Ruining Your Business

If you fall victim to fraud in your business it can affect you in various ways; the main one is obviously financial but there’s also deterioration of staff morale, reputation, your financial standing among banks and lenders, and more besides. Knowing what frauds are possible and how to combat them are vital in business.

Focusing on fraud prevention

Small and larger businesses alike can suffer fraudulent activities; indeed smaller businesses can be more at risk as they tend to be less geared towards tackling fraud than their larger brethren.

Technology and procedures exist to help combat fraudulent activities; for example, check tampering is a common fraud in small businesses, but measures can be taken through using tamper proof security checks and other security steps to remove the threat.…

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Catching Workers Comp Fraud Committed by Employees

Workers compensation is a federal program that requires employers to pay for medical and compensation benefits if their employees become injured or disabled while working at your place of employment (each state has its own set of workers’ comp laws). Work injuries can be anything from carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive mouse/computer use to hurting your back during a fall on company property.

Worker comp covers back injury

The workers’ comp laws were put in place to provide the injured workers with fixed monetary awards to help prevent litigation and give the employees and their dependents a chance to stay afloat financially while being out of work.…

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