Beginner’s Guide for Starting a Private Psychology Practice

Opening a private practice is a significant milestone in many psychologists’ careers. It’s an adventure that allows you to put your years of training to use and help people while operating on your own terms. You’ll be your own boss, make your own schedules, and have more autonomy over your practice.

Private psychology practice

However, success in private psychology practice doesn’t just depend on your level of training or experience. You’ll need to combine your clinical knowledge with the business aspect of your practice. Just like every other type of business, running a private practice has its challenges, especially during the initial years. It requires a lot of hard work since you’ll most likely be working long hours.…

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Reasons Entrepreneurs Need to Consider Psychotherapy

Being an entrepreneur is definitely not an easy job. Opening your own business comes with its fair share of risks and uncertainties. Regardless of whether you’ve had your business for a while now or are just starting out with something of your own, the journey can indeed be daunting.

Entrepreneur consulting with a psychotherapy

Amidst all the planning, sleepless nights, financial investments, and overall stress, it’s very easy to lose your mental sanity in the process. That’s why you need fellow entrepreneurs to create a support system. But what if you’re overwhelmed and want to deal with this with a specialist?

Enter psychotherapy. It serves as a good and healthy route for every entrepreneur out there.…

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