4 Tips For Helping Electrical Burn Victims

Most of us go about our days without considering the dangers lurking in our workplaces. We trust that our employers have taken the necessary precautions to protect us from harm. But sometimes, accidents happen. It’s crucial to know what to do when they do.

Electrician on the job

Electrical burns can be some of the most serious and debilitating workplace injuries. They often result in severe tissue damage and can even be fatal. If you witness an electrical burn accident, it’s important to act quickly and calmly.

Here are some tips for offering first-aid to electrical burn victims:

Remove The Victim From The Electrical Source

Immediately remove the victim from the source of electricity.…

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8 Workplace Injuries That Might Land You in Hospital and What to Do

Did you know that many potential dangers are lurking in the average workplace? Though we often go about our days without giving them a second thought, these dangers can cause serious injuries if we’re not careful.

Workplace injuries

For example, falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries or fatalities, but they can easily be avoided by taking precautions and being aware of your surroundings. Other workplace injuries include electrical shocks, exposure to hazardous materials, and repetitive motion injuries.

If you’re worried about getting injured at work, here are eight workplace injuries you need to be wary of to avoid a trip to the hospital.…

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What Are The Most Common On-Work Business Injuries?

As a business owner, there are so many things you have to think about. One of those we often tend to neglect is what happens if one of the employees is hurt while on the job. This is why we all have to be aware of the common on-work business injuries highlighted below.

Injured employee

Preventing them is much easier than you might think and some due diligence will always help out. With this in mind, Dothan injury lawyers highlight the following as on-work injuries you absolutely need to think about.

Slips, Falls, And Trips

These types of injuries make up most worker’s compensation claims.…

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Injured at Work? Here’s What you Should Know

No one wants to get a serious injury. And we especially don’t want this to happen at work. Employers hold a legal obligation to ensure their workplace follows all health and safety procedures. A workplace injury could put you out of the job for a while, or even cause long term damage.

Accidents cause workplace injury claim

If you’ve experienced a serious injury at work, you might not be sure what to do next. There are a number of options and you’ll need to ensure you get all the facts. Here’s what you should know about being injured at work.

Legal funding

If you decide to sue your employer, legal funding might be necessary.…

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Tips on Getting Your Employees to Follow Safety Measures

Do you own your own small business? Is it challenging to get everyone to follow the rules at all times when it comes to staying safe? And is it even more challenging to enforce these safety measures? Preventing workplace injuries should be one of your top priorities.

Worker safety

Workplace injuries account for the majority of injuries on the job and employees missing work dates throughout the work year. This can cost you thousands of dollars and lost time and wages for your employees. Finding ways to help everyone stick to the rules and guidelines is important.

Here are just a few examples of different ways that you can help motivate your workers.…

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Workplace Injuries: Pointers for the Avoiding the Most Common Yet Preventable Accidents

Injuries in the workplace are unfortunately a common occurrence and according to figures collated by the Health and Safety Executive, some 611,000 people in the UK are estimated to have sustained a non-fatal injury at work during the last 12 months.

Claims for work accident compensation often result from an accident that occurred in the workplace which could potentially have been avoided and although the rate of actual deaths equates to 0.46 deaths per 100,000 workers, this rate could be improved upon.

Workplace accident

The top five

The same types of injury come up regularly in accident reports and the top five types of injury account for about 70% of all injuries in the workplace.…

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