3 Reasons You Need to Make Sure Your Business Website is Secure

When was the last time you checked to see that your business website was secure? Security is often undervalued by companies when it comes to their sites design. However, it can have serious consequences if your site is hacked into. Regardless of what type of business you run, you need to make sure your site’s visitor details are kept 100% secure.

Website security

So why is your business site’s security so important? Below you’ll find out 3 reasons why it matters.

1. It can seriously damage your reputation

If your customer’s data is breached, it is unlikely they are going to take it very well. You’ve likely seen some of the high-profile cases of major companies that have been hacked into over recent years. When consumers visit a business website, they expect their details to be 100% safe and confidential. To find out their data, including personal information, has been leaked because a site wasn’t fully protected can be devastating and financially damaging.

The first thing they will do is tell their friends and family, helped by social media. The next, is they will write negative reviews. Both of these actions will seriously damage your reputation, which as they say in the business world is everything.

2. It can seriously dent your finances

Not only would a security breach damage your reputation, but it would seriously damage your finances too. The negative attention will lose you customers, in turn decreasing your profits. However, it’s the high legal costs you could end up facing that would have the worst impact on your budget. If a customer loses money because their information was leaked, you could be held responsible and ordered to pay the costs, along with compensation and court fees.

3. You could lose your business

Of course, damage to your reputation and your finances could lead to you having to close the business down. This would depend upon how serious the breach was. Could you afford to pay the legal fees if the security of your site was compromised? For many small businesses the answer to that question is no.


Overall it’s easy to secure your business website these days. Companies such as Nettitude, offer penetration testing which identifies and reports any potential security risks. You’ll get to see just how safe your website really is and what you need to do to improve it. The cost of having your sites security tested is nothing compared to the costs you’ll face if the site was hacked into.


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