7 Ways to Move Your Team Remote

Remote work has been steadily gaining traction in recent years, most especially now. If you’re lucky, you’ve enabled your team to work remotely–but if not, it’s never too late to start.

Video conference call with remote team members

There are many advantages to moving your team remote. The ability to continue business as usual during a global pandemic is maybe the first to come to mind.

Here are a few concrete ways to take that remote team leap for your business:

1. Communicate clear goals and expectations

Make sure each team member knows what is expected of them, not just in terms of definite tasks and deliverables, but also conduct and communication expectations.…

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Moving to a New Home? Here’s How A Moving Company Can Help You

Moving home is a huge event in our lives and it can also be one of the most stressful. Not only have we got to worry about the negotiations surrounding the purchase of our new property, but we also have to consider how we are going to move our cherished possessions from A to B without losing or damaging anything.

Moving house

This may seem like a daunting task, so many people choose to use a specialist removals firm to help them move home. But do they offer good value for money and how can I find a reliable company if I’m not sure of their benefits?…

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Make Your Online Business Stands Out

It is probably pretty clear by now that being your own boss comes with immense perks. This is not to say that there aren’t always more drawbacks than one would imagine, but being your own boss is without a doubt more rewarding and potentially lucrative than working for someone. This is especially true if you incorporate a virtual side to your business.

Shopping with a reputable online business

More and more people are shopping online these days, and with the scare of the COVID-19 lurking out there, there are some consumers that are online going their shopping online.

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Why Continual Training is Important for CEOs

The majority of CEOs already have a number of years of personal development and experience under their belts. However, continual training is an important part of CEO development, particularly for those who want to remain ahead of their competition.

Learning CEO

photo credit: Diggity Marketing

CEOs need to ensure they are constantly updating their capabilities and skills and prioritizing their self-development. While the main role of a CEO hasn’t changed much over the past few years, the way in which they operate has changed a great deal. The skills and attitudes needed by senior executives to manage effectively have changed a lot. CEOs need more than just technical skills; they also need to be able to imagine and predict any future scenarios that their business may face.…

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Avoiding Injury: 7 Risks and Hazards of Running a Machine Shop

Running any kind of business comes with implicit and explicit hazards, but machine shop owners have more to worry about than the average entrepreneur. The equipment used in machine shops can all be operated safely, but when operated inappropriately or without adequate training or protective gear, it can be extremely dangerous.

Machine shop employee

Read on to find out about seven of the most common risks associated with machine shops and how to avoid them.…

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How to Help Your Business Thrive Online

Businesses have gone many ways in recent years, some remain on the high street and have shops that sell their products to people browsing towns. Others still work from their offices standing high in cities. The innovators, however, have moved a large chunk of their business online. The way things are going if you don’t have an online aspect of your business soon then there are chances you might start to see some failings creeping in.

Analyzing online business performance

If you’re scared of the online world, don’t worry, we are going to take a look at some things you can do to help your business thrive online.…

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5 Simple Steps to a More Sustainable Supply Chain

Recent years have seen businesses under pressure to prioritise sustainability. Environmental awareness is on the rise, and consumers, investors and stakeholders have started to favour organisations with sustainability at the heart of their supply chain. People want to support businesses that protect the environment and treat workers well — they want to make ethical purchasing decisions.

Sustainable supply chain

By making sure your supply chain is sustainable and ethical, and by minimising the negative impact your business has on the environment and society, you’ll unlock a range of business benefits.…

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Working from home during Covid-19 – the right approach

Since mid-March, the impact of Covid-19 on businesses both large and small has been widely felt across the world. In the UK, many businesses have had to shut up shop altogether during the lockdown period, resulting in significant pain and disruption.

Work from home during COVID-19

For some businesses, such as office based organisations, the option of switching to a remote working setup has enabled them to continue, but with additional friction and difficulty. With large teams of people working from home, businesses have to adapt to the change, fast. What’s more, employees must find a way to work from home which enables them to continue to carry out their role as effectively as possible.…

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Your Business Needs These Services to Grow Successfully

No business can survive successfully on its own, let alone grow. You probably realize this because of the simple fact that a business needs employees, businesses need support, and businesses need services. This is a common fact as a business is a part of a much larger system. That does not mean that a business needs to rely on others, but a good business knows when and where to find help.

Business meeting

There are crucial services that a business needs to grow successfully and there are more and more today than ever before because of the move into the digital age. These are just some of those key services your business needs.…

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Customer Communication: 7 Tips for Communicating With Customers

As the saying goes, good communication isn’t about what you say, but what the other person hears.

Maintaining good customer communication

When communicating with customers, you want to be sure employees understand how to make an impact that leads to stronger relationships. Here are 7 tips for good customer communication.

1. Don’t Show Off

You’re a product expert and that’s impressive. But customers don’t need a long dissertation in response to product questions or feedback.

This is especially important to remember when dealing with negative customer feedback. Attempting to explain too much can come across as not taking responsibility for the problem or talking down to the customer.…

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