The Gig Economy isn’t Quite as Rock n’ Roll as You’d Think

The number of flexibly- and self-employed workers has increased significantly in recent decades. At the end of 2016, nearly five million UK workers were classified as self-employed, which marks a 45% rise since 2000. The gig economy covers all sectors; not just the likes of Uber drivers or Airbnb hosts, but a considerable amount of highly skilled workers, such as IT experts and computer programmers.

Freelance programmer

The gig economy gives workers an enviable opportunity to work flexibly and be selective about their jobs. But with this territory comes specific risks and challenges that go beyond worrying when your next paycheck will come in.…

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Freelancing Tips: Building Long-Term Relationships with Your Clients

So, you’ve decided to be a freelancer, and you’ve successfully acquired your first set of clients. You were able to negotiate the payment rate that you want, and you’ve worked on a contract and terms of conditions that detail the responsibilities of both parties. Give yourself a pat on the back, you’re well on the way to independence.

Freelancer working on a cafe

Of course, things don’t stop at this point. Successfully closing a deal doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be plain sailing for you from here on in. You’re just about to get on with some real work, so it would be good to learn a few pointers on how you can forge long-term relationships with the people you’ll be working with.…

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