There are few industries that move faster than marketing. Especially now that marketing is essentially combined with the even faster-moving technology industry, it can be very difficult to keep up. Legal professionals that stay on top of marketing trends and effectively use the latest strategies can get a leg up on all of the competition. Those who do not keep up and adapt can quickly find themselves left behind.
Judging by the current climate and trends through the first half of 2017, there are some pretty clear themes to the changes in legal marketing. Many of these trends have looked promising to small firms and solo attorneys, and the biggest theme in recent legal marketing is the increased visibility of these little guys and an effective leveling of the playing field in the digital world.
Of course, only those who are aware of effective marketing strategies and how to implement them correctly have benefited from these changes. Fortunately, digital marketing is becoming increasingly simplified for small businesses, and you do not need to be an expert to significantly increase your digital marketing ROI.
The following trends should be observed by any legal professional who wishes to improve his or her firm’s visibility, standing in the community and client list.
1. DIY
Lawyers are becoming more involved in their own marketing efforts and moving away from solely depending upon third-party firms. While even those with a firm grasp on modern marketing still require some outside assistance, more and more attorneys are taking an interest in their firm’s marketing efforts and becoming more hands-on.
2. Visual Content
Interesting, engaging, quality content is key in any effective digital marketing campaign, and many attorneys took advantage of this early on with law blogs. But while the quality of the actual writing is still the most important element, other factors are beginning to play more significant role, specifically the visuals of the content. Pictures and videos have always been important, but now the overall visual appeal, design and layout are more important than ever.
3. Online Charity Campaigns
Social media marketing campaigns have been one of the most effective marketing tactics for small business in the last few years. This can be especially beneficial for law firms, as they should be expected to play a role in the community and seen to contribute to it. Creating a visible, multi-platform, well-publicised social media charity campaign can have a number of obvious benefits for the community, the specific cause and the firm promoting it.
4. Emphasis on Reviews
While online reviews have always been important for law firms, they are now a crucial the success of many small firms and solo attorneys. Consumers put more stock into online user reviews of a business than any form of advertising from the business itself, and legal professionals would be wise to try and manage their reviews and ratings. This can be difficult, but using review tools, always reminding happy clients to post reviews and responding graciously to negative reviews can have a major impact.
5. Voice Search SEO
Professionals in every industry are beginning to see the importance of voice search SEO going forward. Google Home, Amazon Echo, Siri and Cortana are already changing how consumers search for information, and lawyers would be wise to take notice. People interact differently with voice searches, and this impacts a law firm’s SEO. For instance, a potential client may type “Doan Law Firm trial lawyers” in a traditional search, but when speaking he or she may say “What is the phone number for Doan Law Firm?”
Now over to you
What other trends do you observe that are not listed above? Please share them with us!