Common Pitfalls Small Businesses Face and How to Avoid Them

Starting up a business is, without a doubt, an exciting venture. If you’re not excited about your new small business, then you just aren’t doing the right thing. However, it’s also a nerve wracking one and even the most seasoned of business owners will come across struggles along the way.

Analyzing small business problems

What makes a successful entrepreneur over one destined to fail, however, is the ability to avoid common pitfalls. From doing the large scale customer acquisition through proper market research to the seemingly-insignificant use of a plagiarism checker to avoid shooting yourself in the foot with your marketing material preparation – including to avoid any plagiarism claims, we’ve put together a list of some of the common business pitfalls and how small businesses could work to avoid them.

Underestimating Competition

Every business has competition within their market and it’s underestimating the power of this competition that can be the downfall of any small business regardless of their industry. It’s important to remember that every business has fought to be where they are today and if they can reach that height, who’s to say they couldn’t grow further?

A little bit of competition can be healthy for a business, but it’s important to keep an eye on the markets and build up a strategy to deal with competition to ensure that your business doesn’t get swallowed up somewhere along the line. Even big firms face competition from smaller start-ups, so never underestimate the power that they can hold!


Planning is truly a double-edged sword. Some small businesses will fail from too little planning, while others risk failure through too much planning without acting.

In general, your plan doesn’t need to be set in stone or perfect, but every business needs one regardless. A business plan gives you a clear layout for your intended customer base, the opportunities you want to grasp and any objectives your business might have. By writing down a simple plan and making sure it’s flexible through updating it as you go along, you can start to build on where your business is going and the heights you want to reach.


Plagiarism is a tricky path to navigate, especially considering that it extends far beyond just the act of copying content and passing it off as your own. Quoting content without giving adequate citation or credit is also included under the ‘plagiarism’ umbrella and this is where most business can fail. However, by providing adequate training to employees and using a plagiarism checker on content before it’s published, small businesses can avoid the potentially devastating consequences.

Not Paying Enough Attention To Customers

Regardless of whether you’re a financial institution or a small retailer, your customers are going to be the biggest asset your company will ever have and so ensuring that you’re paying them adequate attention is vital. This means more than just good customer service; you need to utilise your customer base for research, ensuring that you’re providing what they actually want, and not what you think they do.

Growth Rate

Just like planning, growth rate can prove to be an issue regardless of whether the business is growing too fast, or not fast enough. When a business isn’t growing fast enough, you’ll probably find that you’re spending out more money than you’re making which is pretty much guaranteed failure unless you have a never ending pool of wealth to pull from. On the opposite end of the scale, growing too fast could mean you have demand that is too high for your available resources and inconsistencies and reduced quality start to become an issue among your products and employees.

Make sure you’re working closely with every part of your company and your customers to ensure that things are kept realistic, but within demand.


Small businesses face demanding conditions when they’re first starting up and succumbing to common pitfalls is unfortunately something that not every company can avoid completely. However, the points mentioned above could make navigating the issue just that little bit easier.


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