6 Small Workplace Sustainability Steps With Big Cost-Saving Impacts 

Time is of the essence when it comes to sustainability and protecting our planet. Since people spend the majority of their time at work, one of the best ways to practice eco-consciousness is at the office. Even if your business has adopted a work-from-home policy, you can still implement sustainability strategies. After all, office sustainability practices are reported to improve employee morale, cognition, and comfort.

Sustainable office

Barriers to Sustainability in the Workplace

Yet even with all the positive effects of office sustainability, many companies and organizations are hesitant to make the switch. One of the most common misconceptions is that sustainability is costly. While some energy-efficient alternatives might come with an up-front investment, the results often lead to long-term savings. Reduced energy consumption and waste management expenses mean more money back in your budget.

Many workplaces, particularly traditional ones, may not understand the environmental impacts of their operations or the available alternatives. This lack of awareness about sustainable practices and the benefits of sustainability in the workplace can hinder progress toward a greener future. In reality, sustainability is not only an ethical responsibility but also a strategic advantage for workplaces.

Resistance to change is also a common barrier in both traditional and nontraditional workspaces. Organizations that have been following certain practices for a long time may be resistant to implementing new sustainability initiatives. They may perceive them as disruptive or have doubts about whether they will even work.

Small Steps With a Big Impact

Some reluctance may come from not knowing where to start. While shifting to an environmentally friendly workplace might sound like a massive undertaking, there are small steps you can adopt that will still have powerful results. Try adopting these six strategies:

1. Switch to LED lighting

Consider investing in energy-efficient lighting systems, appliances, and equipment for the workplace. LED lighting has significantly less environmental impact than traditional bulbs because they require less energy to run. Making the switch to LED lighting can heighten sustainability while lowering utility costs. Additionally, implementing motion sensors in offices, bathrooms, and hallways can help preserve energy resources (and save you money in the long run).

2. Bring your own cup

Try encouraging employees to bring a reusable water bottle or coffee mug to the office. This simple switch can reduce plastic and paper use significantly, which can also cut costs in office expenses. You won’t have to restock supplies as frequently.

3. Digitize files

Digitizing files can help reduce paper waste. If, for some reason, you cannot digitize your files, place recycling bins throughout the office to minimize paper waste. To find a more sustainable approach, get help from EHS consulting.

4. Create a garden

If space allows, having a workplace garden can also promote sustainability and productivity for your employees. A compost pile is an interactive and sustainable solution to food waste, and having a working garden on-site can give employees a chance to volunteer their time and connect with the earth (and one another).

5. Look into state programs

Some states and cities might provide subsidies for businesses that engage in sustainable practices, which can help mitigate any strain from up-front costs.

6. Consider co-working spaces

If you run a primarily hybrid or remote business, consider offering sustainable co-working spaces. The great thing about co-working spaces is that they are sustainable by nature. With different companies working under one roof, resources are allocated more efficiently, and there is less wasted space.

The more positive of an impact we have on our planet, the better. Unfortunately, traditional offices contribute to waste and pollution. Making the switch to an eco-friendly workplace makes it possible for your business to play its part in creating a greener and more sustainable future.


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