4 Reasons You Should Continue Providing Your Employees Health Insurance

providing health insurance to employeesAs some of the Obama administration’s health care reform legislation goes into effect in 2014, many businesses are left wondering what they should do about their employee’s health insurance coverage.

One major law that will be enacted in 2014 is that small businesses (under 50 people) will no longer be required to provide coverage for their employees. These employees will now have the option of buying into state-based insurance exchanges.

If your business is larger than 50 people, it’s mandatory to provide or pay a $2,000 per employee fine. Some small businesses may be tempted to drop insurance coverage and perhaps bump their employees’ salaries.…

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5 Tips: Choosing the Right Team to Support Your Local Business

When we begin our journey as local business owners, we often go it alone for a bit and find that we wear a lot of the department hats ourselves. We’re the CEO, the accountant, the marketing team, the human resources team, and then some.

But at some point, we’re ready to hire a team of consultants, contractors, and/or employees to support our goals and vision. At this exciting and pivotal point in time, our business’ success largely hinges on whether or not we hire the right people to support us and our business.

Tips for Hiring Team to Support Your Local Business

It can be helpful to keep the following in mind when you’re recruiting a team to support your company:

Interviews Matter.

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Top Seven Open Enrollment Tips for Small Businesses

seven cost-cutting open enrollment tips for small businessesWith open enrollment season officially underway, many small businesses, as well as their employees, are wrestling with the rising cost of health insurance.

According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, there was a spike in health insurance premiums this year, with the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance increasing 9 percent for family coverage and 8 percent for single coverage.

That’s especially troubling for small businesses when you consider that they pay up to 18 percent more per worker than large firms for the same health insurance policy.

The good news: there are many ways for small businesses to mitigate those increases.…

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How To Pick The Right Office Furniture And Why It Really Matters

choosing the right office furnitureAs a small business CEO, there is a ton to think about – finances, hiring, marketing, social media, branding, partnerships. As someone who gives advice to small business owners and entrepreneurs, I know just how much advice is out there when it comes to best practices and business plans.

However, as someone who also works in an office 40 hours a week, I also know that there is one subject that is not quite as discussed, but just as important – office furniture.

Many new CEO’s find themselves hard-pressed for time just before the opening of a new business, so office furniture is put by the wayside.…

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Salespeople Need to Make Their Pitch Nicely Dressed

As an employer, do you closely monitor what your salespeople wear before they go out to meet with clients? No? Perhaps you should take a closer look now and then.

While more and more offices it seems turn a little more casual each day when it comes to clothing, sales people representing your company when meeting with clients need to dress above that.

proper business attire for salespeople

The challenge for employers has become even greater given the fact that more and more sales are done remotely due to online options. Still, your salespeople should dress the part when they go out and engage a client.…

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Tips For Operating A Successful Remote Business

tips for operating a remote businessWith the advent of technology comes a convenient way of running your business. Who would have thought that social media, gadgets and various business tools can enable even the technologically-challenged entrepreneur to be connected even if they are away from the office?

Working remotely or out of the office is fast becoming more a necessity than just a mere trend as business owners try to juggle work and personal time. If you are one of those business owners who like to think outside the box and work that way, here are some tips to help you run your business even while you are away from the office.…

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3 Ideas For Ensuring Employee Loyalty

According to a recent MetLife study, while small businesses are quite optimistic with the general economy employee retention may be the next hurdle to overcome.   It’s not enough to make your customers happy so that they will come back to be patrons of your business. Another important factor to consider is how to retain your employees.

Think back to when you were an employee yourself. What were the factors that made you stay with a company for years? Was it really just because of the salary? Let’s face it, other businesses (other companies who want to “pirate” your star employee) can offer more competitive salaries to the best employees out there.…

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Implement Workplace Diversity In 5 Easy Steps

ethnic diversity in the workplaceThere are more and varied types of individuals in the workplace today than ever before. Along with various social and cultural challenges this diversity brings, the psychology of understanding people from various backgrounds and experiences can spell the difference between an advancing company and one stuck doing things the way they have always been done.

Instituting an effective workplace diversity plan need not be an overwhelming challenge if its directives are taken seriously by all involved. Those in charge of such implementation need only impress the earnestness of the overall organization, its management and leadership in contributing to the successful integration of all types of individuals into its workforce.…

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How The Alternative Work Schedule Can Help Your Company

As a small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to keep operating costs down while retaining people, right? Have you ever considered alternative work scheduling?

As technology progresses and jobs become more reliant on that technology, working without having to actually be in the office doesn’t just become a more viable option, it becomes a more attractive one that people all throughout your company can benefit from if the right sort of alternative scheduling is implemented.

alternative work schedules

There are a number of different ways to approach this idea. Some businesses practice compressed weeks that allow for more hours in a day in exchange for fewer days a week, while others give employees the option to work whenever they want, wherever they want outside of “core” hours or days where a presence at the office is necessary for things like meetings.…

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Hiring The Best People For Your Business

Paychex and Intuit surveys say that hiring is increasing in the small business industry. This is all well and good but the main concern for business owners should be whether they are hiring the best person for the job.

There are a lot of people looking for jobs but even though you are operating a small business that does not mean that you should just be contented with average performers. Small businesses have as much chance to hire terrific people as larger businesses do.

tips for hiring the best team for your business

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Evaluate what particular skills are required for the job and its responsibilities.
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