Using the 3P’s (People, Process, Product) to Make Your Business Successful

I’m sure many of you have heard this standard uttered lately by billionaire entrepreneur, Marcus Lemonis of NBC’s “The Profit”.

Perhaps you mistakenly think he coined the phrase?

Mr. Lemonis is definitely someone to be admired, and he’s successfully used this event-driven business management tool better than most. He defines a good investment as one that has at least two of the three P’s covered.

3P for business success

The truth is, the methodology itself has been around for a long time now. It exists in every successful business, industry, niche, system, etc. Any successful business owner can likely identify this process in their own business, even if they’ve never put their management practises into this context.…

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Scams (Old and New) That Target Small Business Owners

Just because your a small business owner doesn’t make you safe from money-hungry scammers looking to separate you from your hard-earned cash. As technology improves, scams become more elaborate.

Following, you’ll find some of the most popular scams – those which seem simple on the surface, yet still dupe thousands of unsuspecting businesses each year.


Directory Scams

Criminals know how badly you want to increase/maintain your marketing reach, so they use the good ol directory scam.

They might call, fax, email or otherwise solicit you indicating that it’s time to get your business listed in the back of the local phone book, or an applicable business directory of some sort.…

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Grow Your Business by Sticking to Your Guns

Every small business owner wants to make money. In fact, revenue is the very definition of being in business. But is there such a thing as an overreliance on revenue to drive your business?

Definitely – and it could be damaging your company.

Focus on profits

Successful entrepreneurs need a deeper meaning attached to the growth of their business. Are you trying to save the world? Are you trying to provide the best service or product in your industry? If you’ve already found this deeper mission, then you can afford to focus on revenue. But if your goal is simply to make as much money as possible, you may be out of business sooner than you think.…

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6 Ways to Build Your Company’s Online Credibility

Businesses are paying more attention to their social media presence. According to Fast Company, 93 percent of marketers say they’re using social media as part of an overall marketing strategy. Good relationships on social media take an almost geological timeframe to develop, but when things go wrong online, the message spreads like wildfire.

Business credibility

Enrolling in a graduate program that teaches strategic communications from a modern perspective can help you survive and thrive on social networks; click here to review some FAQs and learn how good schools equip tomorrow’s PR professionals. Social media success is about more than putting the right content on the right channels.…

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How to Build a Business That Can Flourish Without You

“We don’t need you anymore.”

These five words can be a stinging rebuke if they come from a loved one, but if they come from those in the business you’ve founded, they can be golden!

Whether to spend time on other endeavors, for an exit strategy, or simply to maximize growth, building a company that can flourish without you is a fundamental business practice.

You have to delegate some authority!

Creating ‘walk away’ wealth

Creating real “walk away” wealth is a prime reason to build a business that can thrive without you. It also prevents succession problems.

Many successful family businesses go bankrupt as soon as they are passed from one generation to the next or internecine strife tears the family apart when it’s time to make difficult succession decisions.…

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7 Employees You Should Fire Now

The key to your growth and success as a corporation has one engraving on it. No, it’s not sales. It’s not marketing and advertising. It’s not even information technology, although that maintains efficiency on a high level. It’s this: workforce.

Your employees matter the most. Consequently, the right employees matter even more, if that is possible. I’d wager to say that in the corporate world, the right employees are first and foremost the highest priority! Sadly, though, it seems that entrepreneurs, budding CEOs and managers out there have a problem, in that they have a hard time spotting the right ones, only going for the wrong ones.…

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3 Foolproof Methods to Find the Perfect Employee

Leaf through a newspaper on any given day and the misery of the unemployed will leap off the page.

Hundreds hit by factory closures here or thousands of healthcare jobs slashed there, whether you’re affected by it or not, the figures hardly make attractive reading at the breakfast table.

But what of the business owners who, amidst this despair, are attempting to sort the wheat from the chaff in their efforts to get folk back into work and fill positions with the perfect employee?

The perfect employees

Admittedly, it’s an altogether different struggle, but likely a familiar scenario for organisations the length and breadth of the country.…

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What Dangers and Risks do SMEs Face?

Any small business runs the risk of failing through any number of reasons. Whether it is mismanagement or changing market conditions, lack of capital or poor business decisions, the corporate world is a minefield for those just stepping out.

Yet it’s not only small operations which can run into trouble out on the business battlefield. Even the most well run company operating in favourable economic times will face dangers and risks that can prove costly and sometimes have catastrophic consequences on their success.

Taking business risks

The general idea of ‘risk’ is something that everybody who runs their own business is familiar with but depending on the specific area of operations these threats can differ greatly.…

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Improving Efficiency At The Workplace: Why It’s Important and How To Do It

As a small business owner you probably find yourself juggling multiple projects and small tasks at the same time and end up the day feeling frustrated because you seem not to be moving forward with your to-do list. Things can be a little bit more difficult if you are an inventor and you need to find free time off from your full time job to devote yourself to your creations. Everything seems to distract you and you don’t feel efficient at all.

Struggling in time management

Efficiency at the workplace is of utmost importance. It is the key to achieve goals and results and it is the best way to get our projects and tasks done.…

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Attracting the Perfect Client with a Healthy, Happy Office

Have you ever seen a workplace drenched in filth? It’s no pretty sight. Just picture this – you’re a high-flying business professional travelling to a new office to meet a client.

Having left your mansion, jumped into your private jet and made your way to the office, you arrive at a rundown junk heap of a place. It’s filled with all the hallmarks of poor hygiene – tatty walls, cracked paint, limp desks and limper employees.

Filthy office

What’s the first thing you do at a sight like that? You hop back onto your private jet and head home. That business won’t be seeing a playboy billionaire like you anytime soon.…

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