Dear US-Based Small Business Owner: It is Time to Get Your Books Ready for Year End

Profits, depreciation, travel costs, healthcare, startup costs, training expenses, charitable donations – all these and more represent little numbers on a page that can save you money if you have your books in order when the “Revenue Man” comes a calling in the next couple of months. Rules and paperwork vary significantly from one country to the next, however most do employ many of the same basics.

For those of you with businesses based in the good ‘ol “US-of-A”…

It’s crunch time!

working with business tax documents

If you don’t have your tax paperwork in order, then you’ll be in for a real slap in the face when business resumes full-swing in the New Year, and your accountant starts hassling you for the receipts from that big move you made to a new location this year, so they can deduct it from your individual 1040 return.…

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5 Ways Office Holiday Parties can Bring You Lawsuits

It’s party time! As we are now technically in the holiday season, it’s time to think about what many businesses are focusing on these days: Office holiday party.

office holiday party

It’s a great way to end the year with colleagues, and a great reward for the hard work everybody is doing throughout the year. If you, for some reasons, never arrange any office parties, ‘tis the season you should consider doing it – it’s good for your employees’ morale and job satisfaction.

While many are focusing on how to make it a memorable event (on a budget,) I would like to remind you about one issue which many often neglect.…

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Surviving Legal Terms: Does Seeking Online Help Make Sense?

Law plays an important role of keeping mankind in the right. Like a bracket, it holds everything together, putting a sense of moral justice in everything we do.

legal help

Law, in fact, influences our daily life. This also holds true with business. From being obliged to follow the traffic to being obliged to honor signed business contracts, we are under a pledge which compels us to follow our indicated duties or else, we experience penalties – even lawsuits.

Signing business contracts and documents are among the seemingly simple situations but are in fact, complex. A contract may contain legal terms that the signee should fully understand before she sign it in order to enter into the agreement.…

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The Benefits Of Building A Relationship With A Law Firm

Entrepreneurs and business leaders are faced with a variety of challenges on a daily basis. Some of the most difficult challenges business owners face are those that concern matters of law. Even the most experienced business leader may be at a loss when it comes to the ins and outs of legal documents, actions and proceedings.

Benefits Of Building A Relationship With A Law Firm

Instead of making risky guesses on legal matters, business leaders and entrepreneurs can place their trust in law firms. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from keeping a law firm on retainer. Having a firm on retainer essentially means that a business leader has an advocate on his or her side whenever needed.…

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Don’t Make a Federal Case Out of It

business disputes and lawsuitsEven as we’re starting to see the early stages of an economic recovery, businesses and individuals continue to trudge through the ugly legal fallout of deals-gone-bad.   Countless lawsuits have resulted from soured joint ventures, alleged breaches of contract, and plain old disputes over who owed what to whom.   These lawsuits can be costly, time-consuming, and counterproductive.   Worst of all, they can distract you from what’s truly important: tending to your business’s current needs and helping it survive-and thrive-for the future.

As reported in the New York Times on December 28, 2009, recession-related lawsuits, even apart from home foreclosures, are on the rise.  …

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