Cooling Your House – Air Conditioner or Swamp Cooler?

We all know, a human being who is warm in their house can open a window. Unless that person lives and work where the climate is warm or even hot, it usually doesn’t help. Opening a window can allow humidity to come into the home space – including your home office space – and stimulate dry (green) mould growth. Pretty much nothing a homeowner wants.

Home office air conditioning

photo credit: Jonathan Borba / Pexels

How to Prevent This Outcome

Of course, a homeowner would select some home-wide cooling system. These can vary based on climate. The most selected choices are either a swamp cooler or HVAC.…

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Why Air Conditioning Is a Must for Schools

Are you in the business of education or running schools? If so, you need to pay attention to the environment of your classrooms and the well-being of your students, as those will impact all stakeholders of you business.

Class in session

Schools across the nation generally start back in August or September. In some parts of the country, those months are particularly hot. This is especially so in the southern and western parts of the United States. Unfortunately, some schools in these areas still lack classrooms with an air conditioner for students.

If a student sits in class all day sweating, they are not likely to concentrate very hard on their studies.…

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