How Your Small Business Can Have a Positive Impact on Your Community

Small businesses play a crucial role in the vibrancy and sustainability of local communities. Not only do they provide essential goods and services, but they also foster employment and innovation at the grassroots level.

Local small business

The influence of small businesses extends beyond economic contributions to include social, cultural, and environmental impacts, thus enabling them to effect significant positive change within their communities.

Why Should Small Businesses Focus on Community Impact?

Small businesses should focus on community impact because they are inherently interconnected with the well-being of the areas they serve. A thriving community often translates into a thriving business ecosystem, where local support can lead to increased customer loyalty and business longevity.…

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Creating A Socially Responsible For-Profit Company

We have all heard about corporate social responsibility and we all know how important it is to give back to the community. In fact, there are various initiatives led by large companies such as HSBC, IBM and yes, even American Idol has joined the fray.

creating socially responsible for-profit

One might say that it’s all good for businesses who earn big money to lend a helping hand to the community but should small business owners be exempt from participating in this noble and worthy cause just because we aren’t in the same financial boat? Should social consciousness be calculated based on how much a company is earning per capita?…

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Kickstart Your Online Community With Your Offline Customers

Developing a thriving online community is a challenging task for many small businesses. But if you have a business with an offline component – a retail store or physical location, a call center, or any other offline way that you interact with customers and prospects – you can use this to your advantage. Don’t compartmentalize your thinking by trying to build your online community only with people that you reach online.

I suggest focusing efforts at first on bringing your existing (and happy!) customers into the online fold – this can really help build your community, grow your audience and kickstart organic online community growth.…

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A New Way To Think About Bribery-Based Business Models

bribery based business modelsIt seems like every week, I hear about another start-up with a bribery-based business model. Some genius decided that they can pay people to visit their web site, and that this would somehow evolve into loyalty. But sure enough, a few months later, they all vanish just as quickly as they appeared.

The simple fact is that bribing customers works about as well as paying money for genuine friends.

If you’d asked me to help paint your house this weekend, I’d say yes because you’re my friend. But if you offered me $25 to come help you, I’d probably feel insulted and decline your request.…

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