5 of The Best Credit Cards Designed for Small Business Owners

Running a small business, even if that business is just you acting as a freelancer, isn’t easy, especially when you’re just starting out. It takes capital for initial expenditures like office space, utilities, equipment, advertising, and office supplies.

Business credit card for building credit

Of course there are a number of business items you can get for free, like business cards, websites, and even free business phone numbers and services. But in general, you’re going to have to pay out for some serious business necessities.

You can pay for these things in several different ways, the top three choices being, cash you have on hand, a line of credit you’ve already established with a small business friendly bank, or you can use a credit card that is solely dedicated to your business.…

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Why Credit Cards Should Be Your First Choice of Payment When Running a Business

Once a business is up and running, it is much easier for it to be approved for a business line of credit, compared to the process of getting a personal line of credit. According to reports, approximately 65% of SMBs utilize credit cards, and this number is increasing all the time. By using business credit facilities, a small business owner can preserve cash reserves, while acquiring the necessary supplies, equipment, office space and other assets to run the business optimally.

Business credit card

A caveat is in order: personal credit cards and business credit cards should be separated at all times. The difference between personal and business credit cards is stark.…

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Choosing a Credit Card for Your Small Business

When you’re running a small business, it can be hard to find the cash to keep things running smoothly. That’s especially true when your business is young, and you haven’t yet established a reliable cash flow. When you’ve got bills to pay and you’re still waiting on a much-needed payment, getting a bank line of credit, seed money from an investor, or even a personal loan from a relative or friend isn’t always possible – or desirable.

Tool shop owner

A small-business credit card may be the answer. This card can give you the financial flexibility to cover expenses that come up when cash is tight, letting you carry the debt until you get your next payment.…

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Reward your Small Business with the Capital One Spark® Cash Card

Brought to you by Spark Business from Capital One

Obsessed about your business? No, you’re driven. Driven to go above and beyond. So why settle for a business credit card that limits how much cash back you earn? Or charges you for an employee card? In your business, you accept every obstacle, deadline, and challenge but that shouldn’t extend to your business card.

With Spark BusinessSM Credit Cards from Capital One®, you could earn 2% cash back on every purchase, and receive free employee cards. Now those are rewards you can accept.

Learn how you don’t have to settle for less and get all the details at www.capitalone.com/smallbusiness

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