The Crucial Role of Carbon Accounting in Today’s World

In our rapidly changing world, the need to address climate change has become more pressing than ever before. The consequences of global warming are already being felt around the globe, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels.

Carbon accounting

To combat this existential threat, it is imperative that we understand and manage our carbon footprint effectively. Responsible corporate citizenship has never been more critical either.

Enter carbon accounting – a pivotal tool that holds the key to a sustainable future for businesses.

Why Carbon Accounting Matters

Carbon accounting is the process of measuring and tracking the greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy, industrial processes, and deforestation.…

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How to Cut your Business’ Carbon Footprint by 30% in 60 Days

Your business has a responsibility to tackle carbon emissions. A consensus by NASA concluded that over 97% of climate scientists agreed that the Earth’s climate has increased and that urgent action is needed. The Paris Agreement on climate change is a step in the right direction with over 190 countries agreeing to implement eco-friendly changes in their economy in a bid to combat climate change.

Although it’s good that several of the world’s governments have agreed to take action, it needs to be implemented at the domestic level. Business owners need to improve the sustainability practices of their business. What most business owners fail to realise is that their stores typically account for 5% of carbon emissions, whereas the supply chain accounts for up to 65% and consumers 35%.…

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