Are Employee Perks a Distraction from Real Issues?

In recent years, the corporate world has witnessed a surge in employee perks designed to attract and retain top talent. From unlimited vacation days and on-site gyms to free gourmet meals and nap pods, companies are competing to offer the most attractive benefits. However, a critical question arises: Are these perks genuinely enhancing employee well-being and productivity, or are they a distraction from more pressing workplace issues?

Employee benefits

This article delves into the debate on corporate culture, examining the effectiveness of employee perks, the underlying issues they may mask, and the strategies for creating a truly supportive and productive work environment.

The Rise of Employee Perks

Employee perks have become a hallmark of modern corporate culture, particularly in the tech industry.…

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3 Tips for Building a Culture Based on Recognition

Being a “shot caller” comes with recognizing value, especially when your company hangs in the balance. Delivering value as a newbie can speed up traction for success. You may wonder, “What does value mean in this context?” Value means the output of consistent ideas, strategies, and efficient communication that supports the main goal.

Employee recognition

Leveraging momentum towards a common destination, no matter what stage or phase of entrepreneurship, helps in the long term. As an entrepreneur, it is also important that you receive recognition for the value that you deliver. When you’re working solo, getting the recognition you deserve can be difficult, so cultivating a culture that supports recognizing importance helps the overall well-being of those involved.…

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What CEOs Can Contribute to Their Company Culture

It is rather common for a CEO to feel a bit disconnected from the everyday efforts of their enterprise. While they focus on big-picture issues, the rest of the organization often functions without their input, and over time, CEOs might not know the names of more than a handful of subordinates who are likely directly connected to their high-level work.

CEO leadership impacts company culture

Still, it is important for CEOs to think critically about how their company functions. Specifically, they need to be involved in the curation of the company culture, which affects not only how their workers feel but also how the reputation of their brand develops.…

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Tips for Cultivating a Cohesive Company Culture

The times are strange for business. There are many vacancies and companies who need hard workers. The culture in companies is changing. Between teleconferences and remote work, cultivating a cohesive and productive company culture is more difficult.

Company culture

Still, it is imperative to create an environment that is both effective and pleasant. This is true even for a digital environment.

Below are some tips to help owners and management alike create a cohesive company culture that will lead to success and happiness in the staff.

Hold Weekly Meetings

Whether you are in the office or are working remotely, holding weekly meetings is important to create a cohesive company culture.…

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What an Inclusive Company Culture Looks Like

Inclusivity matters. Research shows that diverse teams are better equipped to anticipate the shifting needs of consumers and solve problems that might interfere with business success. Yet, research also shows that many businesses aren’t working terribly hard to make their workplaces more diverse and inclusive.

Diverse and inclusive workplace

The same study that found such amazing impacts from diversity in business leadership has noted that few businesses have added new executives with ethnic minority backgrounds, and even fewer have added female executives to their teams.

To some, diversity and inclusion in business are threatening concepts — but in reality, these concepts promise to make a workplace safer, more productive and more enjoyable for everyone.…

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10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

Implementing a positive company culture has a great many benefits to a business, but how can you do this? Find out here…

Close-knit company culture

As a business owner, I have no doubt that your main priority will be to turn over a profit. The problem is, so many CEOs get so bogged down with this short-term goal, that they neglect the bigger picture.

The reality is that any company owner who purely focuses on monetary goals will only fail. There’s so much more to being a leader, not least implementing a strong and positive company culture. Not only does this help to attract and retain brilliant employees in the long run, it’ll create a loyal, hardworking, and productive workforce that gets results.…

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Examining Your Culture: Do You Live in a Glass House?

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. This, of course, is an old proverb, but it applies to businesses who may be criticizing other companies’ cultures right now. Simply put, you shouldn’t condemn others who might have similar flaws to your own.

Company culture

After all, company cultures are tricky. They are living, breathing things — the byproduct of careful gardening and tedious attention to detail. Pointing out the shortcomings of another company is more than a bad look; it’s often hypocritical. Before you start pontificating about your superior company culture, you may want to look in a mirror.

A recent survey of 1,000 professionals by TopResume found that 68% of workers have thought about leaving their companies because of the poor treatment they’ve received during the coronavirus pandemic.…

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The Importance of Developing a Successful Company Culture

The words “company culture” have become somewhat of a buzz-phrase over the past few years. What does it really mean, and why is it so important to develop a successful company culture? “Company culture’ is basically the shared values and beliefs that the organization’s leaders/owners develop and message to employees using various methods.

Benefits of positive corporate culture

Your culture should represent what the company stands for. Not just on an esoteric level, but also how decisions and various motivating factors allow the company to progress.

A Thriving Corporate Culture Helps Your Business’s Future

Developing a thriving company culture can have many benefits for your business and its future.…

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The Importance of Having a Strong Risk Culture

Every business has its own risk culture, as companies across all industries are exposed to a wide variety of hazards on a daily basis. The difference is how they deal with such risks and how successful these measures are in getting through to employees and forming the risk culture of a business. Creating an enterprise-wide awareness of risk is essential according to RSM and one of the first steps towards a strong risk culture is understanding why it’s so important.

Protect Your Assets and Reputation

With a range of recent headlines highlighting instances of fraud, employee scandals, misconduct and more, a strong risk culture is required to prevent this happening in your business.…

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5 Ways to Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance in Your Small Business

When it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, startups are leading the charge. In fact, thinking like a startup is one of the best ways to attract top talent and keep them happy. From flexible work hours to company retreats, 53% of surveyed employees say job perks offer a better quality of life both in the office and outside of it.

Work-life balance

Keeping employees engaged and happy in their jobs is key to success, especially in a highly efficient, small team. If you’re considering implementing more perks to excite employees, here are some tips from other small business CEOs and managers who introduced new strategies to help their employees maintain a healthier work-life balance.…

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