Are Employee Perks a Distraction from Real Issues?

In recent years, the corporate world has witnessed a surge in employee perks designed to attract and retain top talent. From unlimited vacation days and on-site gyms to free gourmet meals and nap pods, companies are competing to offer the most attractive benefits. However, a critical question arises: Are these perks genuinely enhancing employee well-being and productivity, or are they a distraction from more pressing workplace issues?

Employee benefits

This article delves into the debate on corporate culture, examining the effectiveness of employee perks, the underlying issues they may mask, and the strategies for creating a truly supportive and productive work environment.

The Rise of Employee Perks

Employee perks have become a hallmark of modern corporate culture, particularly in the tech industry.…

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Reasons to Offer Employee Benefits, and Tips for Choosing the Right Benefits for Your Business

It’s easy to push offering benefits to your employees to the bottom of your to-do list, especially if you’re in charge of a small operation with a small team. Although it may be acceptable to forgo benefits when you first get your company off the ground, eventually, you should start adding employee benefits to the mix.

Employee benefits impact morale

photo credit: Alexander Suhorucov / Pexels

Offering benefits can sometimes be expensive and managing them for all your employees can be complicated, but they can ultimately help your business grow and thrive when you offer the right options to your workers.

It Benefits Your Business

There are many ways offering benefits to your employees is good for them, but they are good for your business too!…

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Why Employee Benefits are Important for Businesses

Employees are the lifeblood of every company. Without them, it would be hard for a company to achieve its mission and enact its vision. But with a huge number of businesses from powerhouse brands to startup companies vying for the attention of the working populace, it can be very hard to stand out.

Happy employee, smiling broadly

This is where employee benefits come in. While salaries can be a guiding force in talent acquisition, the landscape has largely changed. Employers need more than just a monthly salary to get the talent they want, they need to keep up employee engagement and morale to ensure that they do not burn out and resign.…

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3 Ways Office Employees Can Get Better Insurance

Does your current employee benefits and life insurance package make you feel more appreciated for the work you do? While the Department of Labour’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) offers various compensation programs (that provide wage replacement benefits, medical treatment, and other benefits) your employer’s health insurance programs may not fully take care of you or your family.

Employee insurance

Administering insurances for HSAs, COBRA, or CDH accounts can be a headache and logistics nightmare. Especially if you’re an employee who doesn’t know what you rightfully deserve in terms of benefits and health plans.

1. Employee Wellness Programs

Wellness Programs are expected to have a huge “breakthrough” in 2018.…

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Working Remotely Should Be Earned

Founder owners care about their employees. We would like nothing more than to provide every perk and benefit imaginable. The reality is we are running a business (i.e. profit matters), and most companies outside of Google and Facebook can’t afford it.

Remote working

Flex time and the opportunity to work remotely is often cited as a perk that can actually reduce payroll. In reality, working remotely can have a significant negative impact on an organization, and a company needs to put in the effort to structure its organization before pursuing flexible working environments.

I say company not employees because much of the work to enable remote work needs to be done company-wide.…

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Awesome Perks You Can Offer Your Employees

You want your employees to love working for you. So, obviously, you’ve set up a comprehensive salary and benefits package. You offer paid time off to take care of sick kids, more than enough vacation time, on-site daycare, the works. Those are all great. It’s good to take care of your team’s large needs. But what about their little needs? It is seeing to the needs they might not have realized they had that will set you apart from other employers.

Office snacks

Here are just a few things that you can do:

Free Food

Instead of simply providing a communal fridge and microwave, why not just provide free food?…

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