6 Ways to Select the Best Employees

An article appearing in Harvard Business Review showed that of 2,700 employers surveyed in a recent study, 41 percent reported a poor hiring choice cost the company as much as $25,000. The costs of an unsuitable hire come as the result of problems like poor productivity, the individual’s negative impact on morale and expenses of training a new hire.

Hiring the best employee

Here are six ways employers can boost their chances of finding the right person for the job and avoid incurring the expense that comes with a less-than-stellar hire:

Move away from traditional methods

The key to finding the best possible employees may exist within the company.…

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The Differences Between Contractor and Permanent Recruitment

The staff make-up of any company is one of the deciding factors of success or failure of the company. It is crucial that the staff profile and expenses are spot on. To achieve this, companies often blend recruiting permanent staff and recruiting contract staff. To properly reap the benefits of both classes of recruitment however, it is important to understand what each one entails.

Contractor vs. permanent recruitment

What is contract recruitment?

Contract recruitment focuses on bringing in workers strictly for a short term assignment. This sort of hiring generally reduces the liability of an organisation as the organisation doesn’t have to offer the contract staff all the full benefits due to a full time employee.…

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How to Implement Successful and Compliant HR Procedures

Human resources (or HR as it is commonly referred to) are a key component of contemporary business modelling. It essentially refers to the management of the people who work for a particular company, and it is required to make provisions for their remuneration, professional well-being and safety within the workplace. While its purpose may be broadly understood, however, implementing a successful and compliant HR strategy requires a great deal of time, effort, and significant financial investment.

HR procedures

3 Tips for Implementing a Successful and Compliant HR Strategy

With this in mind, what practical steps can you take to implement a viable HR strategy that serves your employees while also remaining compliant with UK law?…

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How to Get Your Employees to Like You

Business owners and managers worldwide all know there are few things easier in this world than the ability to get your employees to HATE you. In fact, it often requires no effort at all.

The fact that you’re at the top and they’re at the bottom, or somewhere in between, is enough reason for most employees to sneer at you behind your back and act with a certain level of defiance when you address them.

Bad management by a bad boss

Getting employees to LIKE you is a skill that is naturally in-born to some. To the rest of us, there’s an inevitable learning curve. Some employees are going to hate you no matter how hard you try.…

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