Employee Surveillance: Boosting Productivity or Breaching Privacy?

In the digital age, employee surveillance has become an increasingly common practice across various industries. From monitoring emails and internet usage to tracking physical movements and productivity metrics, employers are leveraging technology to keep tabs on their workforce.

Employee surveillance

While proponents argue that employee surveillance can enhance productivity and protect company assets, critics raise concerns about privacy infringement and the potential for creating a culture of mistrust. This article explores the complexities of employee surveillance, examining its benefits, drawbacks, and the ethical implications, while offering strategies for balancing productivity and privacy in the workplace.

The Rise of Employee Surveillance

The use of surveillance in the workplace is not a new phenomenon.…

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When Does Office Security Turn Into an Invasion of Privacy?

Offices around the UK need to step up their security game, according to the most recent statistics. There has been a 145% rise in incidents of malware and DDoS attacks to commercial servers across all sectors, and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry noted that 47% of London businesses have been victim of some form of crime in the past year.

Office privacy

Yet when it comes to both cybersecurity and physical security for offices, many employees don’t actually know what their rights are. Despite workplace monitoring of internet use being perfectly legal, a recent Broadband Genie survey showed that only 21% of workers were aware of this fact.…

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