Exploring Unique Business Models in the Outdoor Living Industry

Outdoor living

  • The outdoor living industry is projected to grow at a 6.1% CAGR through 2030, offering significant opportunities for small business innovation.
  • Adopting diverse business models, such as subscriptions, custom designs, eco-friendly offerings, and strategic partnerships, can attract a broader customer base.
  • Leveraging sustainability and technology, like pool pump timers, meets consumer demand for eco-friendly and high-tech outdoor solutions.

The outdoor living industry, encompassing everything from luxurious patios to sustainable garden designs, has witnessed significant growth in recent years. Driven by an increasing desire for personalized and eco-friendly outdoor spaces, this sector offers a fertile ground for small business CEOs and leaders to explore unique business models.…

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The Environmental Impact of Direct Mail in The UK: Challenges and Innovations

Regardless of the huge technological progress, direct mail remains a very useful tool for marketers across the UK. Yet, as we gradually enter the eco-conscious era, it’s a no-brainer to acknowledge and focus on the environmental impacts related to this strategy.

Direct mail campaigns, even though effective, often require a lot of resources and generate huge volumes of waste.

Direct mail mailboxes

That being said, let’s cover the environmental challenges linked to direct mail and various cutting-edge innovations that can lead to a greener future.

The Challenges of Direct Mail

1. Paper Consumption and Waste

The backbone of any direct mail campaign is, well, paper.…

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The Crucial Role of Carbon Accounting in Today’s World

In our rapidly changing world, the need to address climate change has become more pressing than ever before. The consequences of global warming are already being felt around the globe, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels.

Carbon accounting

To combat this existential threat, it is imperative that we understand and manage our carbon footprint effectively. Responsible corporate citizenship has never been more critical either.

Enter carbon accounting – a pivotal tool that holds the key to a sustainable future for businesses.

Why Carbon Accounting Matters

Carbon accounting is the process of measuring and tracking the greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy, industrial processes, and deforestation.…

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How Small Businesses can Improve Their Sustainability

Sustainability has become a crucial consideration for businesses of all sizes in the United States. Small businesses, in particular, play a significant role in promoting sustainable practices that benefit the environment, society, and their bottom line.

Business sustainability

In this article, we explore how small businesses can enhance their sustainability efforts, providing references to pertinent statistics that underscore the importance of these initiatives.

Energy Efficiency Measures

Small businesses can significantly improve their sustainability by adopting energy-efficient practices. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), energy costs are one of the most substantial expenses for small businesses.

Implementing energy-saving measures, such as LED lighting, programmable thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances, can result in substantial cost savings.…

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Tips for Operating an Environmentally Conscious Businesses

While the choices private citizens make can have an impact on slowing climate change, it’s businesses that ultimately have the bigger influence. They use more resources and impact a greater number of people.

Eco-conscious business

Still, the job of a business owner is not to operate as an activist. It’s to turn a profit and to keep the lights on and try to turn a profit. Sometimes the desire for sustainability can feel like it is in contrast to the desire for stable profit. That doesn’t have to be the case.

In this article, we take a look at sustainable, sensible business practices that can help you reduce your carbon emissions without busting your budget.…

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Sustainability Considerations to Think About When Purchasing Company Cars

The significance of sustainability in current corporate activities, including company automobile purchases, has grown in importance. Companies of all sizes are becoming more aware of the impact their operations have on the environment and the communities in which they operate, and many are adopting proactive measures to reduce this impact through sustainable business practices.

New vs used company cars

This article will look at the most critical aspects of sustainability in a company car purchase and why they are becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes.

The Environmental Impact of Company Car Purchases

The transportation industry contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, and automobiles are one of the leading drivers of these emissions.…

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Green Gigs: How Sustainability Careers have Evolved Over Time

Sustainability certainly isn’t a new concept, but the concerns driving it have become mainstream issues over the last few years, there have never been so many individuals committed to the cause. As well as making more environmentally friendly choices in their personal lives, the employees of many businesses have decided to make sustainability the focus of their professional lives as well.

Green business

And between the mindset, working environments and the roles themselves, our working lives are significantly different from that of previous generations, especially for those who take sustainability seriously. Now that the wider world is understanding how necessary it is to take care of the environment, careers in sustainability have evolved a great deal over time.…

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5 Simple Steps to a More Sustainable Supply Chain

Recent years have seen businesses under pressure to prioritise sustainability. Environmental awareness is on the rise, and consumers, investors and stakeholders have started to favour organisations with sustainability at the heart of their supply chain. People want to support businesses that protect the environment and treat workers well — they want to make ethical purchasing decisions.

Sustainable supply chain

By making sure your supply chain is sustainable and ethical, and by minimising the negative impact your business has on the environment and society, you’ll unlock a range of business benefits.…

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Walking the Walk: Why YOU Are the Key to Your Company’s Sustainability Goals

Sustainability isn’t an issue companies fear addressing.

Findings from a 2019 study by United Nations Global Compact and Accenture Strategy confirm that trend. According to the study, 48% of CEOs include sustainability efforts in their business operations. Still, 80% of those leaders believe companies aren’t doing enough.

Sustainable business owner

And don’t think it’s just leaders trying to incorporate more green initiatives — both consumers and shareholders gravitate toward them. According to a five-year study, products marketed with a green focus benefited from higher and faster sales rates than their competitors.

So what’s keeping companies from reaching their sustainability goals? There are practical barriers such as supply chains, resource management, and processes.…

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How to Cut your Business’ Carbon Footprint by 30% in 60 Days

Your business has a responsibility to tackle carbon emissions. A consensus by NASA concluded that over 97% of climate scientists agreed that the Earth’s climate has increased and that urgent action is needed. The Paris Agreement on climate change is a step in the right direction with over 190 countries agreeing to implement eco-friendly changes in their economy in a bid to combat climate change.

Although it’s good that several of the world’s governments have agreed to take action, it needs to be implemented at the domestic level. Business owners need to improve the sustainability practices of their business. What most business owners fail to realise is that their stores typically account for 5% of carbon emissions, whereas the supply chain accounts for up to 65% and consumers 35%.…

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