3 Things To Do When You Feel Like You’re In Over Your Head At Work

It’s not uncommon for people to occasionally feel more stress than normal regarding their job. But in most instances, this stress eventually subsides once that deadline passes or that presentation is over. However, some people may come to find that they feel like they’ve bitten off more than they can chew when it comes to their current job. They may be unqualified or ill equipped or simply unsure about how to proceed in that position. When this happens, it can be paralyzing to your self esteem and your career.

Work stress

So to help you move through this, here are three things you should do when you feel like you’re in over your head at work.…

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5 Embarrassingly Simple Jobs to Avoid If You Want to Stay Stress-Free

It’s easy to say that the way to manage stress is by exercising, eat well, etc. – but for some of us, stress is the by-product of ‘bad’ environment, full of stressors that we just can’t handle. This is particularly prevalent in the workplace.

Feeling stressed at work

Stress in the workplace leads us into various health problems and bad habits.  Unmanaged, work stress can cause depression, anxiety and addiction. But why stress is related to addiction? You see, as business executives or employees of reputable, prestigious companies, we are stressed on a near daily basis. According to a study, there are certain jobs that have highest rate of addiction.…

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Is Stress Affecting You in The Workplace?

Whilst we all might claim to be ‘a bit stressed out’ from time to time, very few of us take the problem of stress seriously. Yet, stress is a serious condition and left untreated, it can have quite significant effects on our overall health and wellbeing. Whilst it might be seen as a psychological problem, it does in fact impact on many areas of our physical health, and most of us will experience high levels of stress at some stage in our lives.

Work stress

Whether it is caused by a single major event in our lives, such as divorce or bereavement, or it’s the cumulative result of many smaller issues, such as workplace tension or fear of redundancy, stress has the potential to build up into something very serious.…

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