How to Make a Success of Hybrid Working

Hybrid working is becoming more and more popular for so many different types of organisations. Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, the world has had to adjust to remote working, helping many teams realise just how simple the transition to remote working can be for their people.

Hybrid working

As companies have reaped the benefits of remote working, it is no surprise the hybrid model has been widely accepted by those wishing to continue this style of working. Making it a core part of their operations.

Putting discussions of the pandemic aside, the advancements in technology over the last few years has meant hybrid working has offered so many benefits to organisations and particularly global companies looking to simplify their communications and operations. To make hybrid working a success throughout your company, Kinly have offered some of their best advice.

What is Hybrid Working?

Hybrid working is a style of working which allows your employees to split and navigate their time between remote working (at home) and working within the workplace. This may also cover how they determine their working hours. In this digital age, this process is much simpler than some organisations may assume.

Since so many of us were thrusted into this situation back in 2020, our offices were gathering dust, all while the power of technology took over and allowed us to continue our daily work tasks in the comfort and safety of our own homes. Since then, numerous employees saw the benefit of a hybrid style of working. Offering them freedom and flexibility to continue their home lives whilst working.

This method of business practice was perfected by some organisations long before the pandemic struck but now more and more companies are looking at ways to keep and maintain a hybrid workforce. Some important things to consider when implementing this working style into your organisation is how to do so, both for the benefit of the company and for the employees.

Invest Into Hybrid Working Systems

One of the most essential steps in incorporating a hybrid working model which suits your company, and its people is to invest in the right technology.

The only way to truly know which technology will be right for you and your operations is to assess your people and processes. For this to be successful, and so you aren’t just throwing money at systems which don’t work, it is absolutely vital that you understand how you work best, what you do, and the physical environment which is available to you. Then, you can decide on what technology would fit.

One investment essential for hybrid working is Cloud services. This will allow you to share, upload, create, and save files in a secure way, giving members of your organisation access. How you determine which platform will depend upon the level of security and applications required.

The People and Culture of Your Hybrid Workforce

When making the switch from office working to hybrid working your biggest task is keeping your people on board. With valuable team members contributing to the workflow of your company, you do not want to disadvantage them in anyway which may encourage them to move on and look for somewhere new.

Leaders are responsible for ensuring the hybrid working model is successful within teams. Leaders and management must continue to be present within your people’s working days, whether this is remote or physically. Your people must continue to feel supported and feel they can continue to succeed in their careers from wherever they are.

A Final Word on Hybrid Working

Through the successful implementation of the hybrid working model, your organisation could benefit from a better connection with clients, cutting costs, and saving time. Your staff may feel they have an improved work-life balance, which means their motivation and productivity will increase, improving the workflow of your company.


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