The Benefits of Guest Blogging for Businesses

Business owners are always on the lookout for marketing and PR strategies that can boost their reputation and brand visibility without costing too much in terms of time or money. Most of the time, more effective strategies end up costing additional time and/or money, but there’s at least one tactic with a ridiculously impressive cost-to-benefit ratio: guest blogging.

Guest blogging

What exactly is guest blogging, and how can it benefit your business?

What Is Guest Blogging?

Let’s start with a basic explanation of guest blogging. Blogging, of course, is the act of writing “blog” posts regularly—in other words, written articles on the internet.…

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3 Key Considerations to Find the Right Private Equity Firm

Private equity firms are playing an increasingly important role in helping businesses to navigate and thrive in today’s rapidly evolving markets. Business owners evaluating a new deal or opportunity to work with an investor firm may find themselves having to choose between a fundless or a funded sponsor model.

Meeting with a private equity firm

photo credit: Edmond Dantès / Pexels

Both models have their pros and cons, so it’s important for business owners to closely evaluate their options before they sign a letter of intent. Here are a few considerations to help business owners learn more about the different advantages that potential sponsors have to offer and discover which private equity firm is ultimately right for them.…

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What Makes a Quality Link for SEO?

In search engine optimization (SEO), companies and websites attempt to attract more search engine traffic by increasing their pages’ ability to rank within search engine results pages (SERPs). To accomplish this, webmasters must invest in high-quality onsite content, technical onsite optimization, and offsite optimization—which includes building links pointing back to their website.

Link building strategies

Google’s ranking algorithm ranks high-authority content higher than low-authority content. You can increase the authority of your content by building links to it; the more links you have, and the more valuable those links are, the higher your authority will climb.…

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3 Sustainable Ways to Side Hustle and Earn Extra Cash

Household expenses tend to increase over time, which means you need to grow your income just to hold steady. And if you want to improve your financial situation, you may need to add some different streams of income.

Sell painting as side hustle

No Such Thing as Easy Money

Before we dig into the meat of this article, it’s important to set the right expectations. While you’ll find a lot of articles online – including posts from some pretty highly respected and successful individuals – making bold claims about how you can make an extra $500 here or $3,000 there, the reality is there’s no such thing as easy money.…

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6 Reasons Skipping That Concrete or Asphalt Repair Will Cost You More Than Money

Concrete has a strong history of being a reliable foundation for construction projects, including bridges, houses, curbs and sidewalks. Reinforced concrete was created in 1849, and the first concrete bridge was built in 1875.

Arched concrete bridge

While concrete is made to last, it won’t necessarily last forever. Like all manmade materials, concrete is subject to damage over time. Damaged concrete presents a major safety hazard to employees and customers walking around your property.

Have you recently checked for cracks and uneven concrete around your business? As a CEO, you’re responsible for making sure somebody makes those checks. Maintaining safety should be part of owning the business’ vision.…

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Tempted To Take Marketing In-House? Consider These Risks First

Marketing is one of your business’s most vital functions. It helps establish your brand, attract new clients, and drives profits.

Discussing marketing strategy with team members

Because marketing is intensely personal, though, many companies feel strongly that it’s a process that should be handled in-house. Their philosophy: no one knows your company like you, so who better to sell your services? Before moving your marketing in-house, however, there are a number of concerns you need to address.…

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For Small Businesses, Growth Must be Strategic

Every small business owner is interested in growth, yet few ever scale up in significant ways. Why is this? And what can you do to make sure your business scales with greater efficiency?

Growth strategic meeting

4 Smart Small Biz Growth Tips

You can always point to a few specific factors that set high growth small businesses apart from the average ones. One of them is mindset.

Successful small business owners aren’t content with holding the proverbial rope and bringing in solid yet predictable revenue year after year. They want more. And they realize that the only way to experience true growth and scalability is to go out and chase it down.…

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Tips For Starting & Managing A Business In Manufacturing

Technology has made the task of starting a business in manufacturing more feasible for entrepreneurs who want to get their hands dirty in the industry of making things.

Starting a manufacturing business

Innovation-based manufacturing gives you the chance to take on niche projects and effectively enter the industry with the ability for growth.

Take some time now to read about a few tips that will help you navigate the process of starting and managing a business in manufacturing, and start taking steps towards a brighter future today.…

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The Four Biggest Risks Your Company Needs To Prepare For

If you are in charge of any part of a business, then you know how important it is to understand risk. If the world had no risk, there would be very little reward. Your company has to put something out there, understanding that things may not go as planned. This unknown void is represented by risk. And the better you prepare for threats, the more you will mitigate them.

Business risk management

So specifically, what are four risks that should be on your mind as a business owner or operator? A big one that people are not prepared very well for yet includes cyber threats.…

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The Basic Ins and Outs of Bankruptcy: What You Need To Know

As you were growing up, you probably thought of bankruptcy in a very negative light. However, as you move through adulthood, there’s a good chance that you understand both the good and bad aspects of bankruptcy as a useful way to reset your personal finances or your business requirements.

Bankruptcy filing

Sometimes bankruptcy is your fault in that you have very poor financial management. Other times bankruptcy is because of something that you couldn’t control, for example, a medical emergency of some sort that you didn’t have insurance for.

Regardless of how you approach the idea of bankruptcy, though, the more knowledge you have about the matter, the more it can be something that you are less anxious about while also being more in tuned to win to use it appropriately.…

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