5 Executive Coaching Strategies That Enhance Your Career

In order to enhance your career, you need to take deliberate steps to boost your performance in the workplace and at job interviews. Working with an executive coach can help with both. Professional career coaches will tell you that there’s no silver bullet to building a successful career.

Executive coaching

photo credit: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

Below are some of the strategies that executive coaching professionals suggest to their clients. If you’re looking for more resources on advancing in your field, make an appointment with an executive coach to learn how to advance your career.

1. Practice Effective Communication

Quality communication is one of the tenants of a successful career.…

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6 Reasons to Work for a Charity or Nonprofit

The charity sector attracts thousands of candidates every year. It’s no surprise why people are drawn to this career, which offers a deep sense of purpose and achievement. Here are some of the main reasons to work for a charity or nonprofit.

Charity work

photo credit: tyaqakk / Pixabay

1. Make a Difference

This is one of the most popular reasons people choose a job in the charity sector. It allows them to have a direct impact on other people through their day-to-day work, while also getting paid for it.

Since we spend so many hours of our lives at work, it’s understandable why people choose this career.…

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What Qualities Managers Look for in Entry-Level Engineers

Congratulations! You’ve recently accomplished a remarkable achievement — you’ve graduated college with an engineering degree. Such a feat is no easy task, and you deserve all the praise you’re currently receiving and then some.

Entry-level engineers

Credit: ThisIsEngineering via Pexels

But soon, you’re going to have to begin the job hunt. While it feels great right now to finally finish school, and you deserve some time to rest, you’re about to embark upon an exciting and rewarding engineering career! And after all, isn’t that why you put the effort and hard work into getting the degree — to eventually land the job of your dreams?…

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Short-Term Disability Benefits Eligibility: A Detailed Breakdown

Most people understand the term “disability” and what it means, especially as related to workplace injuries or illnesses. Essentially, something has happened to you that renders you unable to work at a particular job as you once could. However, there are two different disability types: long-term and short-term.

Injured employee

Long-term disability refers to situations where a person cannot recover from the injury or illness that has sidelined them from their current job. These situations are unfortunate, and when they happen, the afflicted individual will doubtless appreciate that long-term disability exists. That monthly check will help them pay for medical bills, childcare, food, utility bills, and the rent or mortgage.…

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Why Integrating HR With Payroll is Beneficial for Your Small Business

Does your company currently use a standalone HRIS with separate payroll software? If so, then you’re missing out on the many benefits that cross-departmental integration can provide! After all, both HR and payroll systems manage a lot of the same data, so why enter data twice when you can input it into a single shared database?

HR team managing payroll

There’s a long list of reasons why integrating software can be beneficial for your business; sadly, that list would be too long for one single article, but below we’ll be covering three of the main reasons why integration is a worthwhile endeavor. If you haven’t already integrated your HR with your payroll, read on to learn why you should!…

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Tips for Training Your Team Effectively Despite Social Distancing

Everyone wants to feel safe at work. People who feel safe will come to work more reliably and stay with the company longer. Covid-19 makes safety more important than ever. However, according to Envoy, 42% of employees noted ineffective protective measures or protective measures that superiors don’t enforce.

Employee training during the pandemic

It all starts with training. Here are some tips on how to train new employees in a socially distanced world.

Know the Law

Stay up-to-date on recent CDC recommendations as well as laws in your state about training employees. CDC recommendations change regularly, but they remain the best guide for keeping people safe and healthy.…

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Getting a Degree has Never Been Easier

There are a lot of ways to advance your career, and one of them is through getting a college degree. Whether you have a degree and want to get an advanced one, or you’ve not been to college before, the options today are better than ever before.

Getting a degree

You can go to school online, and get your degree without the need to commute and sit in the classroom. That’s great news for busy professionals and people who don’t have a school near them. If you’re worried about affordability, you now have an option that’s tuition-free!

You Can Go to School Without Paying Tuition

When you attend University of the People, you can get a degree without ending up in a lot of student debt.…

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Invest in Every Employee

Investments made in any business activity are always measured by the returns they give. Be it an investment in a plan, product, or even in employee training, a business always expects returns that compensate for the investment made.

Happy employees

Investing in employees and their training procedures often maximizes profits and minimizes expenses. Effective employee training results in reduced turnover time and a lesser number of fines because of incompliances. Proper training can enhance revenues through augmented sales and high productivity.

Investing in employees can evidently enhance profits through a planned process that results in:

  • Retaining the existing clients
  • Increasing the upselling
  • Short sales cycle
  • Growth in productivity
  • Reduced turnover rate

Role of Human Resources in the Investment of Employee

While human resources training seems to be never-ending, it’s actually for good reason.…

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4 Common Examples of Workers’ Compensation Claims

Although workers’ compensation is available to millions of employees throughout the U.S., many people are unaware of how to make a claim or exactly what they can claim for. Surprisingly, it isn’t just employees who are unfamiliar with the workers’ comp system; many business owners and employers are unsure of what type of incidents can give rise to a claim for workers’ comp.

First responders helping a person injured at work

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To find out when MN’s Workers Compensation lawyers at Mottaz & Sisk can help employees to take legal action, take a look at these four common examples of workers’ compensation claims now:

1. Machinery Accidents

When employees are using heavy equipment or machinery, there are numerous hazards to be aware of.…

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5 Reasons to Conduct a Background Check Before Hiring 

Statistics show that 1 in 3 Americans have been arrested or convicted of a crime. What does this mean for you when hiring? How can you navigate this statistic within the hiring process? Where can improvements be made to be fair, yet protect your business in the future?

Job candidate background check
Keep reading to learn more about why you should conduct a background check before hiring your next employee.

Minimize Turnover

Conducting a fast background check can help to minimize the turnover in your company in a few ways.Turnover is not a good look and costs your business money. The process to hire someone, train them, and give them specific job responsibilities that they are responsible for is not something that can be replicated overnight.…

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