Why Everyone Needs a Flexible Working Schedule

Being shackled to a dead-end nine-to-five job isn’t exactly what every high school or college graduate expects after wrapping up their student life, but such is the grim reality we face, given that most companies still mandate their employees to operate under these circumstances.

Flexible working

There is no room for compromise and definitely no potential for growth if one were to choose this career path, even if one were to decide to jump from one traditional company to another. The glass ceiling will always be there.

Flexible working, more control

But the times are changing, and so, too, are business models, with work-from-home structures and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) on the rise.…

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6 Small Business Service Types That Offer a Flexible Work Environment

Telecommuting and freelancing are gaining popularity not only because of the obvious benefits they hold for employees. Recent studies show that employees who are granted the freedom to work remotely have a significantly increased rate of productivity in comparison with office-based staff that reaches around 60% to 85% for an 8-hour work day. Aside from raising motivation and lowering employee turnover, flexibility and teleworking have some important financial benefits for businesses, like saving on annual leaves, sick days, insurance, taxes, and office expenses.

Freelancer works flexible work hours

Yet, not all industry sectors can take advantage of the perks of hiring temporary staff, freelancers and running a telecommuting team.…

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What Company Directors Need to Know About Flexible Working

Flexible working is an increasingly common aspect of the ways in which businesses and organisations of all sizes function and operate.

Flexible working

Contemporary computing and communication technologies have made it possible for more and more people to collaborate remotely and do increasingly greater portions of their work from anywhere.

The result has been a broadly positive trend towards flexible working among employees who might otherwise have struggled to find a sustainable balance between managing busy lives and professional productivity.

Here are some key issues of consideration in this context for company directors and particularly for SMB bosses.

Everyone has the right to ask

Legislation introduced in recent years in the UK means that anyone employed anywhere in the country has a right to request flexible working arrangements as part of the way they perform their duties.

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Increase Productivity with Flexible Working

Businesses can often be reluctant to engage a flexible working policy through fear that the system will become more of problem than a benefit. The correct structure has to be in place to support the system and maximise the benefits but can it increase job satisfaction? Should it and can it be made available to all employees or just a few? Certainly, some jobs would not fit the ‘work from home’ criteria but with planning, flexible working could be available for most roles providing the needs of the business are being met.

Office worker working at home

Attract and retain a skilled workforce

Essential for any business, attracting and retaining an appropriately skilled workforce will always be a priority.…

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