Useful Tips From The Math Experts to Get 90+ Marks in Math Class 10 Board Exams

A good number of students are found to fear the Math subject although it is the highest scoring one among the lot. For some it can be fun playing with the figures and formulas, but for others a real nightmare.

Class 10 Math

photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Class 10 requires students to be sincere and practice the different chapters and sums a lot to score well in the boards. Students can seek class 10 maths ncert solutions from reputed coaching centers like Cuemath and improve their studies.

Getting full marks in the Math subject

Many students are of the belief that it is only those with an intelligent brain who tend to score full 100 marks in the math subject.…

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What Should You Know About the Consecutive Numbers?

Concept Understanding

Consecutive numbers

photo credit: 12:30 / Pexels

In mathematics, every now and then we come across the word consecutive numbers. Consecutive number, actually, are the numbers that follow each other in the ascending order, i.e., smallest to largest. Consecutive numbers can mean the numbers following continuously or in an unbroken sequence. For example, if you write the numbers continuously starting from 1 and continue forward without breaking the sequence then the numbers are consecutive.

The may be a set of integers the mean and median where are equal. For example if x is an integer 10 X + 1 and X + 2 are the consecutive integers.…

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