7 Side and Main Business Ideas for Pet Lovers

Many people love pets, and many of them want to make money from that passion. There are hundreds of different ways you can do this, but these five ideas will get the ball rolling:

Pet sitting


1. Pet Sitting

If you love animals, pet sitting is probably one of the best business ideas for you. You can start small and work your way up to full time or part time employment. You can also choose to work from home or set up an office in a pet friendly neighborhood.

Charge by the hour

If your clients are willing to pay by the hour, this is a good option because it will help keep you from getting burnt out on any one animal (especially if they’re needy).…

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Dog Beds: Everything You Need to Know

A good night’s sleep is just as beneficial for your dog as it is for you. As you do, your dog or cat want a warm and comfortable place to sleep. Pets may rest peacefully on their own dog beds, recovering from their day’s activities with renewed vigor. What’s the best dog bed size for your large, medium, or small dog? Keep reading to find out.

Dog bed

Keep in mind the following points while preparing for your trip

Before you buy a new bed for your pet, you’ll have to understand their sleeping patterns, age, height, and weight. Any medical conditions they may have should be taken into consideration as well.…

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Targeting Your Ideal Pet Business Customer

Understanding your pet owners is crucial for your business to grow. By determining your ideal customers you’ll be choosing the best focus for all of your marketing efforts, making sure your communications are effective, timely and geographically appropriate.

Pet grooming business

Who do you want to talk to?

Start by researching your market and creating a profile of your ideal customer. This should include basic demographic information, such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income
  • Psychographic information such as interests, hobbies, lifestyle and behaviours

Building a basic picture of your target audience’s life will give you insight into the type of person who will potentially buy your services and the reasons why.…

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