Fuel is expensive, and the prices only continue to go up. Boiler systems can waste energy for a variety of reasons; older systems are just not as efficient as newer systems, for example. In addition, heat loss is a problem. If your boiler is not efficient, you are going to pay more in fuel each month. However, you don’t simply have to accept this cost as a fact of life. There are things you can do to help the problem.
Use the following tips to get the most out of the boiler at your facility.
1. Maintenance
Regular boiler servicing and proper maintenance: Like any other appliance, your boiler will wear out with time thus reducing its efficiency. Nonetheless, having it serviced at least twice a year, by a certified professional can help lessen the severity of wear and tear. Regular servicing also ensures the boiler functions optimally without consuming too much energy.
2. Put In A High Turndown Burner
This cuts back on the on/off cycles, thereby helping your boiler to be more energy efficient.
3. Ensure Water Is Treated Properly
Particulates gather in the internal boiler tubes when water is not treated properly. This is a problem because the system will not be able transfer heat as effectively. One solution to this problem is the use of a deaerator, which warms up the water and gets rid of the majority of the particulates quickly and efficiently.
4. Use Parallel Positioning
When you use parallel positioning, the burner is able to run efficiently because it keeps the excess air levels in control.
5. Put In Variable Speed Drive Controls
When you have these controls, the motor runs at the speed it is supposed to. The operator can adjust the system to get it to run the way he or she wants, which makes the system more energy efficient.
6. Incorporate Exchangers
You can put in an exchanger, which will warm a boiler feedwater system up ahead of time. It can serve the same purpose for a deaerator.
7. Add O2 Trim
By putting in an oxygen sensor/transmitter, you cut back on the amount of extra air and have a better air to fuel ratio. In layman’s terms, this means your system runs as efficiently as possible.
8. Install A Flash Economizer
Either a flash economizer or a blowdown heat recovery unit can catch heat and put it to use again. While these products cost a bit upfront, you generally get the money you spend back in savings in under a year. Therefore, it is often worth the cost in the long run.
9. Use treated water
All the water that goes in the boiler also needs to be treated and filtered of contaminants and impurities. These impurities reduce its efficiency hence should be taken care of, for the boiler’s life as well.
10. Consider boiler replacement
While boilers are not cheap to buy, you should consider having a new boiler installed especially if the current one is more than a decade old. No matter how much you love the boiler, its operational costs will keep climbing. If you don’t want to outlay for a new system, many find that a boiler rental is a more affordable way to replace your heating system and can often end up a lot more affordable.
As long as your boiler is serviced regularly and well maintained, you can be sure to save more than 30% in heating costs annually.