Today’s offices are crazier looking than ever: you can go down a three-storey slide at Corus Entertainment in Toronto, run on an indoor track at DTAC HQ in Bangkok, fly to a meeting in a pod at the Google Office in Tel Aviv, or work in a room entirely made of Lego at Desklodge in Bristol. These are some of the coolest offices in the world and they truly are pushing the boundaries and changing our perception of what an office space should look like and ultimately our perception of what work should and can be.

Lego-themed workspace at Desklodge, Bristol – photo credit: Desklodge / Squarespace
From Edinburgh to Bangkok, offices all around the globe are challenging our habits: it’s less and less common nowadays to order traditional office furniture from the usual suppliers as people tend to gravitate more towards a more modern, custom-made, original and playful style for their work environment.
1. Listen to your team’s needs
But before ordering that three-storey slide you’ve always been dreaming of for your office, you should definitely ask your team on a formal meeting about their needs. It’s important that everyone works in a comfortable environment above all things before thinking about design.
2. Classic office furniture to structure the space
Unless you’re Google, budget isn’t extensible so use classic furniture to structure and divide the open plan space, and keep more custom and design pieces to give it a bit of an edge later and create a specific ambiance. If you can, opt for natural materials like wood: they are standard but sturdy.
3. Design and unique pieces to add a bit of flair
To translate a bit of your company’s vision into the space, you should bring a few unique pieces that will add uniqueness and coherence to the environment. Opt for the style that better represent your company’s motto and vision: industrial, retro, minimalist, etc… Scout flea markets or design stores for the perfect pieces that will showcase your brand’s DNA visually.
4. Colour it up
For each area of your office space, you can define a specific colour scheme derived from your brand identity guidelines. It could be a painted wall or a colourful sofa: it’s sure to perk up the room while keeping on track with your brand.
5. Don’t skimp on quality
When budget is tight, you might be tempted to save some money by ordering some cheaper supplies and furniture. But investing in good materials from the start will potentially save you hours, especially if you’re ordering often problematic kitted furniture that will need to be mounted on office hours. Don’t hesitate to look for suppliers of furniture that will deliver the goods ready to use and assist you in case of problems on the premises.