Pay-Per-click: Effective Marketing Strategy of Boosting Your Business

Pay-per-click is a terminology almost all marketers are familiar with as a widely accepted marketing strategy to promote businesses. The main question is; how much do we know about PPC? Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is often referred to as paid search, search engine marketing (SEM), or google advertising. If you’re quite observant, you would have seen sponsored ads particularly at the top of Google’s search engine result page – That’s pay-per-click advertising.

PPC advertising

What are key benefits to including pay-per-click ads in your marketing mix? First off, as a small business owner, your marketing budget is highly precious. As a result, most business owners are apprehensive to maximize new marketing initiatives.

Pay-per-click is a highly cost-effective way to drive leads irrespective of your marketing budget. As the term implies, you only pay a token to ad networks whenever your ad is clicked. Ad fees are set by bidding which ultimately allows you to be flexible with your ad spend, unlike many other marketing strategies.

Today, we have outlined key ways a small business owner can benefit from using pay-per-click ads.

Reach Your Target Audience

With the current abundance of online ad space, pay-per-click is an effective way targeted to reach consumers. The networks give you access to a plethora of factors like keyword usage, demographics, location and time of the day. The idea is because we maximize search engines when in need of a particular service or product, the ad and result are quite significant to whatever our needs are.

But how to reach your target audience effectively?

1. Targeting

Google has developed an excellent platform ensuring that PPC ads meet user’s needs. As business owners, you should make use of the platform. The ability to cast a wide net can eventually lead to remarkable returns at a cost in the long run. However, you need to know where to cast the net. In other words, you need to target the right audience.

For example, if your business is seeking to secure a new client who want to rent stalls for congress in Milan, then you should optimize your targeting effort to the localities (e.g. Milan) and the right audience (e.g. those who look for rental stalls and/or government office staff.)

2. Retargeting

This is also known as remarketing, it allows you to serve targeted search ads to target audience who’ve visited your app or website. The moment leads enter the marketing funnel, the subsequent likelihood of purchase for your brand increases. The main essence of retargeting is to keep your brand top of the mind with a targeted audience and motive relationship deepening.

3. Display Campaigns

Display campaigns allows you to serve ads to an audience on websites related to your service or product. Since searchers reveal their intent through their search query, advertisers can determine the quality of traffic that results from ad networks search engine clicks. Whether your aim is conversions or exposure, you can engage your leads with relevant material in line of your brand.

Here’s how to target audiences via Google AdWords:

To compare and contrast, here’s how targeting works in Facebook:


Truth is; the world of digital marketing can be a little overwhelming. In other words, every time your ad is clicked, you pay the search engine a token. It is this token that is referred to as pay-per-click.


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