Is Your Office Space Causing Low Employee Productivity?

If you own a business, you must be familiar that it’s not a walk in the park running it. The privilege of being your own boss comes at the cost of dealing with new challenges every day. Some of these challenges are beyond your control, while the rest can be worked and improved upon.

Unproductive employee

Unarguably, employees are the biggest asset for any company. So, if your employees lack productivity, it will directly impact your business efficiency and overall profitability.

There are several reasons for low employee productivity, including poor job training, an unfriendly work environment and ineffective management. In this post, we’re summarising ways to improve your office space to enhance employee productivity. Let’s take a look!

Encourage breaks

Employees don’t have to work non-stop without a break to perform their best. In fact, not taking frequent breaks can hamper their productivity and lead to errors. Taking breaks is necessary to rest and recharge to approach work with a fresh mind. To promote a healthy work environment, encourage your employees to take breaks during office hours.

Create a recreational area

A recreational area is an excellent way to help employees take much-needed breaks. You can design a space where employees can de-stress by playing pool or table tennis. Also, offer employees a lunchroom so they can step away from their desks during lunch and interact with co-workers.

Offer healthy snacks

Just eating lunch isn’t going to keep your employees satiated throughout the day. That’s why you should offer healthy snacks to employees such as fruits and nuts. This way, employees wouldn’t have to leave the office premises to grab a snack. It will save your company time.

Implement flexible working hours

Not everyone feels their most productive at nine in the morning. By introducing flexible working hours, you give employees an opportunity to pick hours that work best for them. Employees have shown to perform better when they aren’t bound by quintessential 9-5 office hours.

Adjust temperature

Employees can’t focus if the office is way too hot or cold. While you can’t please everyone, try your best to adjust the thermostat to a temperature that’s comfortable for most people. Apart from creating a pleasant work environment, adjusting the thermostats will also lower your energy consumption. Check out Origin Energy plans to find a suitable plan for your business.

Provide quality office amenities

There are a set of amenities that an office space must have to ensure high employee efficiency. An office should have plenty of natural light, which has shown to improve mood and boost productivity. You should also invest in a quality coffee machine. In addition to this, make sure hygiene and cleanliness standards are met.

Get ergonomic chairs & desks

Immediately replace old and broken desk, chairs and other furniture. As employees spend the majority of their day sitting down, you should invest in ergonomic chairs and desks. This will protect your employees from long-term back issues.

Limit meetings

Conducting frequent meetings helps no one. In reality, it’s an inconvenience that disturbs employees’ workday. You can easily avoid holding meetings by communicating the message over email. It will save you a lot of time and energy.

Decorate with plants

Not only do plants improve air quality, but they also make a space fresh and welcoming. Plants bring nature indoors and help in reducing stress.

Celebrate holidays & achievements

Celebrating holidays and employees’ achievements promote a sense of belongingness. This is a way to recognise your employees’ hard work. You should organise team outings or take your employees for monthly dinners.

Conduct meditation sessions

When your employees are stressed, it reflects in the form of a dip in productivity. To alleviate stress, you should conduct weekly meditation sessions. It will help employees increase their focus and work with clarity.


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