7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Company’s Organic Search Rankings

Ranking organically on page one or two of search engine results pages (SERPS) is an incredible achievement in the digital marketing world. Research shows that page one of SERPs receives approximately 75 percent of online traffic. Subsequent pages receive the remaining 25 percent.

Organic search ranking

Generating traffic to your company page is vital, as it leads to sales-boosting conversions. However, earning a spot in the first-page results isn’t easy as it sounds.

Every second, there are nearly 40,000 search queries on Google. For your website to rank well in search results, there is stiff competition to ward off. You need to up your SEO game to compete for a higher rank.

There is no magic formula for assured results. However, some tips can help your site rank better. To boost your SEO results, you’ll need to consult this condensed list of quick-wins you can achieve. For even optimal results and access to professional guidance, consider partnering with a reputable agency like Searchbloom SEO Services.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly

Responsive website

We’re living in a mobile-first era. It’s entirely irresponsible for a business not to consider its mobile users, which is why you’ll need to ensure your site is mobile-friendly—technically referred to as responsive design. If you don’t optimize your website for mobile use, you risk losing tons of organic traffic. Your SEO plan can enhance the responsive design for your site in the following ways:

  • Tests your site speed for mobile users using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Tool
  • Encourages you to create a mobile app
  • Compress images for faster loading in mobile pages
  • Utilizes a reliable web host
  • Enables Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

The majority of internet users rely on mobile devices over desktop computers. In fact, for most web surfers, mobile devices have replaced their computers. According to Google, mobile searches compose more than half of the total searches. Again, sites that are mobile-friendly rank higher in SERPs—an unignorable reality in the SEO universe. Your site’s mobile responsiveness should be a top priority if your goal is to score first-page results.

Have compelling meta-descriptions

Meta descriptions are better known as the face of your website in Google search results and act as an advertising copy. Readable and exciting meta-descriptions entice users to visit your site. Even though meta-descriptions don’t necessarily increase your ranking on Google, they influence the CTR (click-through-rate). When more users visit your website, you stand a better chance to rank organically.

Increase the speed of your site

Browsing websites

A website that loads slowly is detrimental to your SEO strategy. Users are bound to click away in search of other resources if the page takes ages to load. Slow pages are a turn-off. Users will abandon your site even before they interact. Along with potential customer dissatisfaction, web crawlers will detect the low speed, diminishing your chances of ranking higher organically.

Optimize your content

Quality content is vital in catching the attention of your audience. Your content should be relevant, compelling, inspiring, and engaging. These articles and social media posts act as bait for users, attracting potential customers while ensuring customer retention.

To keep your content attractive, try using short paragraphs as often as possible. Rambling paragraphs put-off the audience that demands immediate gratification. Keep your sentences short, as well. Long sentences are difficult to follow, especially on mobile devices.

To guarantee your content’s success, utilize sub-headers that catch the reader’s attention. Your sub-headers give your readers insight into the contents of an article. Sub-headers are also useful in encouraging the flow of thoughts. You can also use bullet points when organizing a series of ideas, as it makes your content more readable.

Keyword research

Keyword research in action

Keyword research is the backbone of your organic ranking strategy. It would be best if you invested the necessary time and resources into understanding your target market. Apply that research to generate keywords that improve your SEO.

Try to use keywords naturally, and avoid keyword stuffing. Also, consider the keywords used by your competition. The use of relevant and frequently-searched keywords will boost your organic search ranking.

Use of outbound links

Linking your site to an authoritative site increases its relevance and usefulness to web searchers and helps these users find in-depth information on their topic of choice. The outbound links send trustworthy signals to Google, which contributes to a higher organic ranking. Avoid cramming links into your content since this flood of links can confuse the reader. In your SEO strategy, avoid low-quality links as they significantly reduce your search engine ranking.

Optimize the page titles

The HTML tag is crucial as it defines the title of the web page, meaning it should be well structured. Keep the title page short, and try not to exceed a maximum of 70 characters. It would help if you tried to include the primary keywords in the title.


Ranking organically calls for persistence, dedication, and creativity, as the Google algorithm is ever-changing. It’s in a company’s best interest to stay on your toes and avoid lagging. Luckily, constant research equips you with the skills necessary to release killer content that will act as a magnet to web crawlers.


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