Understanding the Different Types of Tamper-Resistant Security Labels

Tamper-resistant security labels are a great way to protect products and items from tampering or unauthorized access. They are designed to provide visual evidence of any tampering attempts and can also act as a deterrent to potential tamperers.

Removed tamper-resistant security labelphoto credit: Sergey Subotin / Flickr

Two main types of tamper-resistant security labels are available, each with its own features and benefits. In this article, we’ll take a look at tamper-resistant security labels, their types, benefits, and their characteristics.

Types of Tamper-Resistant Security Labels

Tamper-proof and tamper-evident labels are two security labels manufacturers use to prevent tampering and unauthorized access to products or items.

While both labels are designed to provide security, some key differences exist between tamper-proof and tamper-evident labels.

1. Tamper-Proof Labels

Tamper-proof labels are impossible or extremely difficult to tamper with. They are usually made of strong material, such as metal or thick plastic, and often have a strong adhesive that makes them difficult to remove. People often use  Tamper-proof labels in high-security applications or high-value moveable assets, such as military or government use, where the consequences of tampering can be severe.

2. Tamper-Evident Labels

On the other hand, tamper-evident labels provide evidence of tampering if it occurs. When someone tries to remove or alter the label, they are designed to show visible signs of touch, such as a broken seal or void message. Tamper-evident labels are often made of materials such as paper, vinyl, or polyester and typically have a weaker adhesive than tamper-proof labels.

People use them in commercial applications, such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, or food and beverage products, where tampering can lead to safety or quality issues.

Choosing the Right Tamper-Resistant Security Label

Choosing the right tamper-resistant security label is a process you must base on your application and environment. There are several factors to consider, including:

  • Level of security required for your product or application
  • Type of adhesive used on the label
  • Color and design of the label to ensure it is easily recognizable
  • Compliance with industry and regulatory standards
  • Quantity of labels needed and budget for label production
  • Compatibility with any automated labeling or packaging equipment used in your production process

Benefits of Tamper security labels

The benefits of using tamper-resistant security labels include the following:

  • Provides visual evidence of tampering
  • Increases security and prevents unauthorized access to products or items
  • Helps maintain product integrity and quality
  • Enhances customer trust and confidence in your brand
  • Helps businesses comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards
  • Reduces the risk of product recalls and liability issues
  • Can be customized to fit a variety of product and packaging types
  • Cost-effective solution for enhancing security and preventing tampering


In summary, tamper-resistant security labels are an essential part of protecting products and items from tampering and unauthorized access. Tamper-evident labels, tamper-indicating labels, void labels, destructible labels, and security seals are all effective at providing visual evidence of tampering attempts.

By choosing the right type of tamper-resistant security label, businesses can protect their products and customers from the potentially dangerous effects of tampering.


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