What to Do if You Crash a Company Car

Being involved in a car crash can create a lot of challenges for you. This is particularly true if you suffer injuries that force you out of work and into a hospital, where you have to go through lengthy medical treatment. Unfortunately, being involved in a crash with a vehicle that was not yours can complicate things from a legal perspective.

Car accident

Seeking legal guidance from a Dallas auto accident attorney after being involved in a crash with a company car is critical when it comes to protecting your legal rights and best interests. After being involved in a crash with your company car, there are a few steps that you should take.

Immediately After the Accident

Like any type of accident, it is important that you seek medical help. You should receive timely medical treatment for any injuries that you have suffered. This is a critical step when it comes to ensuring your health and well-being are protected.

Prior to leaving the scene of the accident, you should gather as much evidence as possible. Take pictures of the scene of the accident and obtain the contact information of anybody who witnessed the accident take place. You should also request law enforcement to respond to the scene of the accident so that you can get a copy of the police report.

You should contact your supervisor or the appropriate person as soon as possible after the accident occurs. Some companies have very specific procedures for reporting accidents. This makes it critically important that you follow any rules or requirements for your company.

It is also important that you notify the insurance company that an accident occurred. If you were involved in a crash in your company’s vehicle, your employer may take this task off your hands and reach out to the insurance company. However, the insurance company will most likely contact you at some point to make a detailed statement surrounding what took place.

It is always important for you to follow company policies. There are generally specific policies and procedures that are in place when it comes to handling car crashes that involve company vehicles. Following all of the procedures and requirements can help to ensure that you are in compliance with your company’s rules and expectations. This is very important, especially if there is a chance that you may have to file a claim for compensation benefits through Worker’s Compensation.

Steps to Take After Crashing a Company Car

If you are involved in an accident while using a company vehicle, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities. Being involved in a crash while operating a company vehicle typically renders the accident as being on the job. There are critical steps that you need to take to ensure your rights are protected.

1. Determine Who is At Fault

After the crash, it is important to determine who is to blame for the accident. This is a process that is often referred to as establishing liability. Being involved in a crash with a company vehicle can become incredibly complicated very quickly. For example, in a situation where the company vehicle was stopped at a red light and struck from behind, it is pretty clear who is at fault for the accident. However, this is not always the case.

If the accident occurred as a result of a situation where you were distracted, say you were checking out your next delivery location, and an accident occurred, then you may be held liable. However, if the accident was a result of a mechanical failure, your employer may be held liable for the crash. Given the fact that the vehicle is not yours, your employer has the responsibility of making sure that it is safe to operate.

2. Determine who is Liable for the Damages

The next question that will arise generally surrounds who is going to pay for the resulting damages. This will generally be based on who is at fault for the accident. If the other driver involved in the crash was at fault, then the other driver’s insurance company will generally cover any of the resulting damages. If you were found to be at fault for the accident, the insurance policy that your employer has on the vehicle will typically pay for the damages.

It is important to keep in mind that there are some limits on your employer’s share of liability in some cases. This will generally come down to whether or not the crash happened within the scope of your duties. This means that factors will be taken into account to determine if you were in the process of carrying out a job-related function at the time of the accident. For example, if you were making a delivery or a sales call in the company vehicle and you rear-ended another vehicle, your company would typically assume liability for the accident. However, if you were not engaged in the duties of your job, for example, if you are picking up your child from school in the company vehicle, your own personal insurance company may cover the resulting damages.

3. Consider both State and Local Laws

It is always important to take into consideration the state and local laws where the accident occurred. Due to the fact that each state and jurisdiction has its own set of laws and compliance requirements, it is crucial to understand the type of coverage that may be available to you. Being familiar with the scope and limitations of the coverage can affect your decision when it comes to the use of a company vehicle when you are not on company time.

It is also important to know what procedures and policies are in place when it comes to various scenarios where a car accident could occur.

After an automobile accident, it is best for you to seek legal guidance to ensure that all of your rights and best interests are protected. A skilled attorney will be able to guide you through the legal process and ensure that you are well aware of your legal rights and what is required of you.


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