How to Choose the Right Telephone Answering Services

With so many options available to SMEs in the area of telephone answering services currently, it might seem like finding a solution to suit yours and your customer’s needs shouldn’t be that difficult at all. Unfortunately, with so many new services popping up in the digital space each and every day, it can actually be quite tricky finding an online service that checks all the boxes.

Friendly phone ansewring service staff

Following are some great tips for choosing an affordable telephone answering service that can meet all your needs, while giving your customers the highest level of service possible on each and every call.

Can the service center meet your current and future needs?

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5 Ways to Scale Your Online Business by Hiring a Virtual Receptionist

Most of you reading this are either considering hiring a receptionist, or looking for ways to slash the often high cost associated with these front line employees. The truth is that an in-house receptionist can easily end up costing you up to $5000 a month when you add up all their costs.

Virtual receptionist

Since you’re already running an online business, why hire someone to come sit in an office and pay them an exorbitant amount of money to do so?

Fast facts about the “true” cost of hiring in-house phone reps

The median salary for this profession is somewhere in the neighborhood of US$ 33,583 (source.)…

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