4 Cybersecurity Due Diligence Questionnaire Tips

Process and operations within many financial firms are becoming more reliant on digital solutions. As technology continues to evolve, it’s essential to realize that the potential for efficiency gains and improvements are becoming larger. However, more powerful technology also paves the way for more sophisticated ways for hackers to get access to sensitive company information.

Cybersecurity DDQ

One way to both measure potential opportunities and cybersecurity risks lies with a process called the due diligence questionnaire (DDQ). At the core, due diligence questionnaires can be powerful tools to dive deep into nitty gritty processes within a firm so that any potential attack vectors, inefficiencies, or vulnerabilities can be exposed.…

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How to Prepare Your Small Business for an Emergency

According to a survey by Staples.com, just 19% of office workers believe that their company is prepared to handle a major emergency — which is especially concerning, since each year across the U.S. explosions and fires occur in approximately 70,000 businesses and cause nearly 200 deaths.

Emergency situation in small business premise

Furthermore, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) notes that approximately 1,200 tornadoes occur each year, and virtually all states — not just those on the west coast or Hawaii — are vulnerable to experiencing a moderate to severe earthquake. For example, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake rocked Oklahoma in 2016, and a magnitude 5.9 earthquake rocked Virginia in 2011.…

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What Is A Lathe Used For?

The lathe is one of the earliest of forming tools. It has been around since the days of the Pharaohs. It can be described as a tool that creates new objects by removing material. The object that is being formed can be made of wood, metal or other substances.

Lathe tool

Although the word lathe is practically a household term, it is an acronym. It stands for, “Longitudinal Axis Tool Holding Equipment”. Now you pretty much know why we call them lathes.

What is the basic process of using a lathe?

As mentioned, to remove material from wood or metal stock, the stock is usually placed horizontally into the lathe.…

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Direct Sales Products: The Business Power of Shopping Wholesale Online and Skipping a Retail Middlemen

If you are in the dental field business you need a reliable source for the things that you use and sell in order to stay consistent. Wonderful Dental provides you with direct sales solution for dental products like fluoride varnish that you can afford. This is because Wonderful Dental gives you the power to buy direct, without the additional cost of paying for middlemen in the process. Wonderful Dental brings you the most cost-effective options for buying dental supplies.

Dentist and patient

Even if you purchase your dental supplies from a secondary marketplace or a dental wholesaler, the end goal is the same. You need to balance providing your customers with high-quality products while keeping the cost down at the same time.…

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Print Marketing is Still Highly Valuable for Your Small Business

Some small business owners believe that digital marketing beats print marketing in the modern era. However, 56 percent of customers believe that print marketing is more trustworthy than other avenues of marketing according to Alliance Business Services. The irony here is that in many instances your small business, product or service will only stand out if you use traditional print marketing tactics.

Print marketing is still valuable

Why print marketing is still valuable

Print marketing is still relevant in 2019 because of its tangibility. You don’t have to use a gadget to access print media, and it has a sense of permanence to it. That sense of permanence that a postage stamp collector would feel with his or her collection.…

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Finding Out The Cheap and Exclusive Car Insurance Policies With Ease

The high rates of car insurance premium have been a significant reason why many avoid investing in the car insurance policy. Well, the same is the biggest mistake committed, which can count much on cost.

Finding car insurance policies

Car insurance is a vital step which should not be neglected. The insurance cover plays a significant role in overcoming the unexpected financial expense in case of any event leading to breakdown or theft of company cars. The primary perspective of the policies and its potential to save the individuals from the financial trap makes it a recommended choice.

Insurance considerations on costs

Have you ever wondered why do the insurance premium cost so much?…

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Content Syndication & How to Get Started

Content syndication is a great way for business owners and/or bloggers to capitalize on audiences that other publishers have already built. With this strategy, you can benefit from additional opportunities, and even sales.

Content syndication tips

If you want to establish thought leadership in your niche, you need as many eyes on your content as possible. With content syndication, you can achieve this. Here’s what you need to know:

What is Content Syndication?

One of the first things you’ll need to know is what exactly content syndication is. Content syndication is a method where content that you’ve created is pushed to other sites as well.…

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9 Tips for Branding and Marketing a Start-up Business

Successful entrepreneur and marketing expert Luke Lazarus recommends focusing on brand messaging as a path to success. With an extraordinary record of building and selling four new businesses in Australia in only 10 years, he counsels new business owners on the proven methods that led to his success instead of continuing as a serial entrepreneur.

Startup marketing and branding

Lazarus regards most entrepreneurs as “highly intelligent and generally talented,” but his experience as a consultant informs his opinion that they lack basic skills in branding their business. His solutions can increase their chances of avoiding the high failure rate of many startups.

The importance that Lazarus places on branding appears emphatically in a review of its components in Medium.…

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Shifting Methods: 4 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Shift Planning

A well-staffed shift does not happen by coincidence, it’s engineered through smart shifting methods and efficient planning. Shift planning should be something that adds value to the function of your business, rather than slowing it down. If shift planning is taking you or your management away from crucial work and opportunities for improvement, here are some tried and tested shifting methods that will ensure productive days and reduced administration requirements.

Two managers planning work schedule

1. Retire the paper pushing

The familiar paper timesheet and roster have faded away in recent years, and what a miracle that is. These paper solutions have made way for more reliable shift planning tools.…

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How Can a Distracted Generation Learn Anything?

Hardly unnoticed today is the level of distraction easily seen in today’s youth. In our digital-everything world, video screens on phones, TVs, tablets, and computers play a role in distracting attention from tasks to messages and images vying for the viewer’s attention.

Bored and distracted student trying to focus

As distraction grows incessantly, science shows the compulsion for this behavior might affect how our brains work. New research reveals that younger brains can process information faster today than at any other time, which makes task transition easier. The findings also show that people growing up in this new era seem better conditioned for constant task-to-task transition. So, how can a distracted generation learn anything?…

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