5 Steps to Build Processes That Safeguard Your Most Sensitive Data

It seems like major corporate data breaches have become all too common. In fact, they’ve become so common that you might have become immune to such news.

Business data security

If you own or run a small business, you might think protecting sensitive data is not something you have to worry about. But you’d be surprised by the amount of information you collect and need to protect. From credit card numbers and addresses to phone numbers and financial and medical information, it starts to add up pretty quickly.

That’s why you need to establish processes for handling sensitive information.

Of course, creating solid processes for handling data is common in the corporate world, but oftentimes, small business owners are so focused on the details of day-to-day operations that they don’t focus on creating data processes.…

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Is Your Growing Business Secure? 5 Tips for Keeping Your Customers’ Trust

As your small business gains momentum, you’ll undoubtedly juggle countless tasks at once, so when it comes to data security, it’s easy to put it on the back burner. But the fact is that if you suffer a data breach, the costs could include customer erosion, financial losses, and regulatory fines. The reputational fallout alone can continue months beyond the incident and translate into upwards of $5 million in losses.

Business IT security

And don’t think you get a free pass on security simply because your business isn’t large or well known. According to Verizon’s 2013 Data Breach Investigation Report, 72 percent of data breaches affect small businesses, making it clear that cybercriminals and automated attacks don’t discriminate on company size.…

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