IoT and Smart Business Solutions: Connecting the Dots

In an increasingly connected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) is not just a buzzword but a transformative force reshaping businesses across industries. From manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and retail, IoT is revolutionizing operations and opening new avenues for efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

Internet of Things - IoT

In this article, we’ll explore how IoT is connecting the dots for smart business solutions and the profound impact it’s having on organizations.

The Essence of IoT

At its core, IoT involves the interconnection of everyday objects and devices to the internet. These objects, equipped with sensors and communication capabilities, can collect and transmit data, enabling them to interact with one another and with central systems.…

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Smart Doesn’t Equal Secure: The Orvibo Leak and Security in IoT Devices

By 2025, the amount of IoT devices is expected to expand to a whopping 21.5 billion. 21.5 billion devices that are constantly connected to the Internet while containing information that you may deem personal. It’s scary, but kind of cool. My fridge can know my name! Completely useless but awesome at the same time!

Orvibo AllOne

photo credit: YouTube


However, the carrying of your personal information should ring some alarms in your head. How much do you actually know when it comes to how your Alexa or smart toaster works? Do you know what information it’s collecting? How it’s collecting the information?…

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Tips to Safeguard Your Connected Devices with IoT Security Solutions

A report from Gartner states that in the year 2016, cybercriminals originated distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks.

Internet of things

During DDoS attacks, hackers exploited possible bottlenecks and security weaknesses such as common weakness enumeration (CWE) in IoT devices. It enabled them in hijacking the devices and turn them into the originators of domain name system (DNS) requests. The primary aim was to direct the real-time traffic to the DNS hosting provider by the name of Dyn, headquartered in the United States. The DDoS attacks afflicted companies like Twitter, Amazon and Netflix and caused them a huge loss of revenue.

To prevent IoT devices from such cyber-attacks, enterprises must convoy them with IoT security solutions.…

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Java: The No. 1 Platform for IoT Development

Connected devices are now everywhere – from your smartphone, to your fridge, to home assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home. The Internet of Things (IoT) will combine the power of voice recognition, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to make the next big revolution in tech happen. It is not about controlling home devices using voice commands anymore, it is about vast IoT networks that will have computing power greatly exceeding anything we have had in the past.

The global Internet of Things endpoint spending is forecast to exceed $3 trillion by 2020, when billions of connected devices will be installed in homes, vehicles, and industrial facilities.…

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How Wireless Broadband Fits into the Internet of Things

Today, our Internet connections aren’t just more reliable. They’re also more secure and faster than ever. And thanks to wireless technology, we can now also connect a large number and variety of devices with each other.

But that’s not all. With broadband internet becoming more readily available, connecting to the web has become much easier. All of these conditions are perfect for ushering in a new generation of internet-capable devices. We are now entering the world of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Internet’s Next Frontier

Basically, the IoT involves the concept of connecting any device to the Internet and with each other.…

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Why Businesses Need Faster Broadband for Harnessing IoT?

The world is running behind time now! Nobody has time and the same applies to the Internet of Things also. Everything needs to get faster to reach the top level first. Since a majority of the work done by t]he big organizations depend on faster Internet, it is important for the Internet Service Providers to deliver the demanded speed.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Higher speed requires better technology and higher costs which many organizations do not want to incur as it affects their profit margin! It is a vicious circle, indeed. With the tech advances in fibre optics and its usage in connecting high-speed broadband for business and residential customers, speed is no more a worry for the ISPs.…

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4 Things CEOs Need to Know about Competitor Monitoring and the Internet of Things

Competitor monitoring is an art that will become more difficult to master and even more important as the Internet of Things develops

Internet of Things (IoT) network

Being able to track your competitor online can be difficult enough, but the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) may make things a lot more difficult. This is why there is some stuff that every small business CEO should know about competitor monitoring in this brave new world.

What is the Internet of Things?

Though, you might be aware of the concept, and you might have been told to look out for it, you might have no idea what the IoT actually is.…

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