Tips For a Productive Working Environment

Your workspace environment can have a major impact on your overall productivity and motivation. Let’s face it, a drab and cold feeling office isn’t going to fill you with joy is it? Just a few simple changes can give your office an overhaul and create a warm and welcoming environment.

Tidy and clean office

If you’re a small business, then you want to make a solid first impression on potential clients and visitors, your space can tell a thousand words! You don’t need a huge budget to create a pleasing environment, just check out these top tips as a starting point:

1. A fresh lick of paint

Whether you’re moving into new offices or trying to jazz up your existing workspace then a fresh coat of paint is always number one on the list.…

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Perfecting the Urban Office with Window Treatments

If one analyses most cities in the country, it might be difficult to comprehend just why so many offices decide to be located in such urban areas. They’re full of traffic, often away from major transport links and also happen to be mightily expensive. There might be a few generalizations here, but urban offices carry plenty of problems.

Downtown office

Nevertheless, most businesses have offices located centrally in a city. Therefore, we’re going to cipher through some of the common problems that these businesses face and how many of them can be solved through window blinds. Unfortunately, we’re no longer referring to the barrage of traffic that your employees may run into on a daily basis – but rather some of the problems that blight your office environment during the day.

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The Modern Office: Dramatically Changing the Way We Work

Your grandfather’s office space resembled that of most working Americans, but today’s office and workday look much different. The modern office appears and functions differently and continues to evolve with technology.

Nomad office in Kuala Lumpur

For example, it would take days for inter-office communication to come to fruition, but today, with emails composed and sent in seconds, communication (with anyone in the world) moves much quicker. What else influences the modern workday and drives the dramatic change?

The Virtual Office

It’s surprising to businesspeople of earlier eras to realize that some of today’s entrepreneurs have businesses but no office buildings, and in some cases their employees live on separate continents.…

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4 Benefits of Leasing an Office Space in London

One of the most thriving metropolises in the world, London is the city that keeps on giving. A central hub for established commerce and start-ups alike, London provides business owners with the desired profitability rates, transport links, networking opportunities and the wide availability of furnished office spaces. Simply put, it is a haven for entrepreneurs. While it may be expensive, it is most certainly worth investing in, and there are endless benefits to obtaining office space in the UK’s largest business centre. The following are just four of those many benefits.

Canary Wharf office view in London

1. Client Accessibility

With almost a million private sector businesses in the city, it is the number one destination for getting new contacts and for client growth.…

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