3 Ways To Make Sure Your Sales Reps Stay Ahead Of The Game

When they’re “out in the field,” your sales team’s days can vary immensely. On some days it can be like gently floating down a stream, wowing people with demos at every turn, enjoying some great networking opportunities, and converting new leads into paying customers. On other days, they might feel like they’re swimming against the current, rushing from one meeting to another, while trying to balance time between new prospects and older ones.

Sales rep discussing with a client

For the more difficult days ahead, a little planning can help ease your team’s stress levels when they’re are out of the office, leaving them more time to concentrate on the important part of the job – selling.…

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4 Tips to Keep Your Small Business Employees Happy and Productive

Most startups and small businesses fold within their first two years. And with that in mind, it makes sense that employee productivity can feel like one of the many metrics which can make or break your business. Getting work done efficiently and meeting client deadlines is absolutely critical to build the trust and reliability you need. But that can mesh relatively poorly with the expectations of employees, who often expect that a smaller company will provide them with less stress and more flexibility.

Happy employees

But the worst thing business owners and managers can do is crack the whip to try and squeeze more productivity out of their employees.…

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