How to Say No in the Business World: 4 Tips


It’s one of the simplest words in the English language. Two letters, one syllable, incredibly commonplace. In fact, it even transcends language. Whether you’re in the jungles of South America, the city lights of Paris, or the plains of the United States, your audience knows exactly what you mean when you say no.

Say no

Why, then, is it so difficult to tell someone no – particularly in the business world? Why would we much rather say yes, even when no is the correct statement? These are questions worth exploring – so let’s take a look.

Why We Avoid Saying No

We all have our own unique reasons for saying no – many of them specific to the situation or scenario at hand – but it often comes down to one of three factors: fear of conflict, unwillingness to disappoint, and a desire to fit in.…

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