The No. 1 Issue in AI Adoption: The Skills Gap

The acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is reshaping the landscape of the business world. This seismic shift not only heralds a new era of innovation and efficiency but also brings to the forefront the challenge of the skills gap.

Bridging the AI skill gap

The skill gap is real: A recent survey by Deloitte revealed that 31 percent of organizations ranked the shortage of AI skills as one of their top three concerns. Despite this, merely 17 percent of these organizations are substantially investing in training and development programs for their employees to back their AI strategies.

Businesses need to do better – if they want to stay competitive, that is.…

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Fintech and Talent Acquisition: Skills Gaps Leading to Competition in the Recruitment Industry

As financial technologies continue to reshape the economic landscape, the fintech sector is experiencing a significant acceleration. Blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics are no longer just buzzwords. They’re the driving forces behind a new digital financial era that is fundamentally changing the way businesses and consumers interact with financial services. However, the rapid and relentless evolution of the fintech sector has surfaced a significant challenge – the widening skills gap.

FIntech HR exec finding job talent

As fintech companies race to innovate and stay ahead of competition, they’re faced with an intense scramble to attract the best talent.

The Sizzling Demand for Fintech Skills

In today’s fintech landscape, demand for specialised talent far outstrips supply.…

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How to Ensure your Data Team’s Skills Remain Up-to-date

When it comes to data analysis, if you’re not moving forwards, you’re moving backwards. Data science tech, trends and tools are constantly evolving, and best practices can become outdated in the blink of an eye.

Data team

The good news is that data scientists are generally curious and eager to keep making new discoveries. They chose to enter a profession that is a center of innovation and change, and they’ll embrace opportunities to keep on pushing the cutting edge of data science a little further forward.

However, it’s easy for a busy data team to get so involved in one project after another that they lose the habit of reading up around their area.…

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4 Ways to Effectively Address the Cyber Skills Education Gap

America has more than 30 million small businesses with fewer than 500 employees apiece. These companies pay almost half the wages in the country and are huge engines for job creation. For too many of them, however, cybersecurity isn’t a pressing priority.

Businesswoman learning about cybersecurity

We learned this in the Q1 AppRiver Cyberthreat Index for Business, which surveyed more than 1,000 small to midsize businesses. The results reveal that 58% of respondents consider the importance of cybersecurity to be “high” or “very high.” Another 78% say that cyberthreats are on their mind some of the time. These are positive signs, but they’re not the most revealing takeaways.…

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