How to Reduce Stress Through Better Time Management

Your daily routine involves clocking in 10 hours at the office, going home to wolf down a quick dinner and then getting right back on your laptop to fire off a few more emails.

Stressed out entrepreneur

By the time night comes around, you fall into bed utterly exhausted but unable to switch off, a million and one thoughts about bills and forgotten jobs chasing each other around your head.

That’s just life as an entrepreneur, right?

Think again.

Being a small business owner is hard work, don’t get us wrong.

But feeling stressed, tired and running yourself ragged 24-hours a day isn’t a longterm strategy for success.…

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Is Stress Affecting You in The Workplace?

Whilst we all might claim to be ‘a bit stressed out’ from time to time, very few of us take the problem of stress seriously. Yet, stress is a serious condition and left untreated, it can have quite significant effects on our overall health and wellbeing. Whilst it might be seen as a psychological problem, it does in fact impact on many areas of our physical health, and most of us will experience high levels of stress at some stage in our lives.

Work stress

Whether it is caused by a single major event in our lives, such as divorce or bereavement, or it’s the cumulative result of many smaller issues, such as workplace tension or fear of redundancy, stress has the potential to build up into something very serious.…

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