The Importance of Maintaining a Tidy Workspace

No matter what project you’re working on, a good job can only be done if you’re functioning from a tidy workspace. You could be operating out of a warehouse, in an office or in a workshop – but regardless of where you are, a clean space will help you to work better.

Tidy workplace

It’s not all about productivity though. Working from a clean space also helps with your mental health and timekeeping too. In this article, we’re going to take a look at why it’s more important than you might think to maintain a tidy workspace.

Improved efficiency

If everything has a place and is stored correctly, you’re a lot less likely to spend precious minutes hunting for the tools or equipment you need.…

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Attracting the Perfect Client with a Healthy, Happy Office

Have you ever seen a workplace drenched in filth? It’s no pretty sight. Just picture this – you’re a high-flying business professional travelling to a new office to meet a client.

Having left your mansion, jumped into your private jet and made your way to the office, you arrive at a rundown junk heap of a place. It’s filled with all the hallmarks of poor hygiene – tatty walls, cracked paint, limp desks and limper employees.

Filthy office

What’s the first thing you do at a sight like that? You hop back onto your private jet and head home. That business won’t be seeing a playboy billionaire like you anytime soon.…

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