Best Twitter Practices for Building Brand Awareness

Twitter is being used by businesses to promote themselves, and it works no matter how big or small that business may be. The platform provides valuable customer insights. By looking into trending topics and conversations, businesses can easily gain knowledge of what their market wants and cares about.

Twitter branding

Chiming into conversations where they are mentioned gives their brand visibility and a human touch. With a savvy and 180-character limit in each tweet, businesses get to build a strong brand community by replying to certain posts and providing customer support.

There’s a misconception that some brands and industries won’t be able to build brand awareness and benefit from Twitter—but this couldn’t be further from the truth.…

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5 Easy Ways To Find Potential Customers On Twitter

Do you need more customers? Despite being 9 years old and having 316 million active users, Twitter is still a mystery for business owners. Most still can not grasp how to navigate through the noise and find their target audience. What makes Twitter a great place for any business is the ability to search status updates and user bios based on keywords.

Twitter marketing balloons

The following 5 methods will teach you how to find new leads and potential customers for your business on Twitter today.

1. Search For Your Name

Take the time search your business’s name on Twitter. The result? You may find a number of unbiased tweets regarding your company’s products and services.…

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5 New Ways to Promote Your Trade Show Event on Twitter

Maybe you have heard about the IPO that raised billions in funding for Twitter’s next big steps. However, in the midst of all that confusion, you might have missed the flurry of developments that can empower your next trade show event.

new york jets

Some of these game changers have been technological – features or apps that will bolster the social network’s effectiveness. Possibly, these new features are what tipped the scales toward the deal recently struck with the NFL, Verizon, Viacom, and Time Warner, Inc. Earlier this year, announcements were made that these international firms would help broadcast, via Twitter, the National Football League’s own little trade show, otherwise known as, Super Bowl XLVIII.…

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