The Right and Wrong Way to Use Social Media for Your Business

Social media has a massive reach. Billions of people, two billion to be exact, are on Facebook alone. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and many others exist, too, extending this reach even further. Businesses must use social media to boost their brands.

Using social media for business

It’s estimated that 22% of the population uses Facebook – that’s 22% of the world.

Businesses targeting millennials will want to grow on Twitter, on which 81% of millennials check daily.

The number of businesses doing social media the right way is much lower. I come across businesses that aren’t up-to-par with their social media game.

What Businesses Are Doing Wrong on Social Media

You can write a book on what businesses are doing wrong on social media, and by understanding what they’re doing wrong, you can correct these wrongs in your own business.…

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5 Ways to Woo New Customers

Attracting – and keeping – new customers is no easy task for any business. But if you’re not expanding your customer base, you’re not growing or increasing your profits. Use these five methods to woo new customers and keep them around.

Attracting new customers

1. Be Responsive. Be Human

The quickest way to turn customers off is to provide poor customer support. Ignoring messages and feedback gives the impression that you don’t value your customers – the lifeblood of your business.

A colleague once contacted several companies when he was looking to have his new home built. Some he called; some he contacted through email.…

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Why CTAs are the Most Important Thing on Your Website

When building a website, businesses are typically focused on design and ease of use. While these are both very important aspects, they pale in comparison to the importance of calls to action, or CTAs.

If you don’t have at least once CTA on each page of your website, you’re missing out on sales.

Call to action (CTA)

CTAs Boost Conversions and Tell Visitors What to Do Next

Calls to action help boost conversions by telling visitors what to do next. It doesn’t matter how professional your website looks or how easy it is to navigate, visitors will never take the next step if they don’t know how.…

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3 Effective SEO Strategies for Professional Industries

Professional industries have to approach search engine optimization differently than other businesses. Creative industries and ecommerce businesses have the benefit of versatile freedom when it comes to marketing their products and services, while professional industries are expected to stay within the lines of, well, professionalism.

SEO for professional industries

Of course, the basics of SEO are the same regardless of your industry. However, the marketing that accompanies those SEO strategies varies. Whether you’re a lawyer, cosmetic surgeon, or management consultant, you’re tasked with finding the best ways make your business searchable and generate revenue. Here are three effective SEO strategies for professional industries like your:

Create Linkable Content

Inbound traffic is powerful in the world of search engine optimization.…

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3 Blogging Tips for Small Businesses to Try

If you’re running a small business, you’re likely trying to figure out how to accomplish all your goals and get everything done for your business without losing your sanity. So when you hear that you should also be blogging on top of everything else, you might be wondering how you’re supposed to find the time and what the real benefit of these efforts will be. And while blogging is generally a very long-term marketing effort, it’s something that’s very important for the longevity of your business.’

Small business blogging

So to help make this task a little easier on you and your business efforts, here are three blogging tips for your small business to try.…

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SMB Marketing: The Trends to Follow for Big Success

Ask pretty much any SMB owner/operator what their greatest desire is, and most would say, “More business.” Now, maybe you’re not one of them. Maybe you’re thinking you have all the business you can handle. But chances are, you could always use more business or at the very least, you want to keep business steady. And since there’s no crystal ball telling you exactly how and where to find new customers, your best bet it to know, understand and implement the latest trends in SMB marketing.

Adopting digital marketing trends

Here are 3 of the top digital marketing trends of 2018 and how they can drive big success for your business.…

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Improving Behind-the-Scenes Communication in Retail

There are lots of reasons people still love and will always love going to stores: The ability to interact with products hands on. The opportunity to have unique and exciting experiences. The social elements of shopping with friends, family or even strangers.

Shopping scene at a pop-up shop

But there is one element that most distinguishes physical retail from online retail and still defines why people shop in stores – human staff. Working with friendly and knowledgeable employees is the easiest way to get the products, services, and overall sales experience you most want. Having stellar staff is one of the biggest assets today’s stores have to offer consumers.…

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Adopt These 4 Tactics to Diversify Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing has never been as simple as writing a blog post and walking away.

This rings true whether you’re content marketing for leads, SEO or a combination of both.

A strong content strategy is a diverse one, plain and simple. Given how much content is changing in terms of how much is being shared, how we’re consuming information and the competitive nature of marketing in general, change is simply part of the game.

Content marketing strategy

From your blog content to social media posts and everything in-between, consider the following four ways to diversify your content strategy to keep up with the times.…

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Video Trends of 2018 Your Business Needs to Employ

Video marketing has gained massive steam over the last couple of years and 2018 is the year you should be using it to drive your leads and sales. It is the best way to announce business changes, business events, contests, and product releases. It can be overwhelming when you don’t know where to start or how to begin.

Today we look at some trends and how they can best help your business in the coming year.


Make It Easy – Hire A Videographer

If you have never done a video before, it can do you a lot of good to hire someone who knows how to produce a video.…

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Essential Ways to Generate More Sales in a Business

To ensure that the company is successful in terms of generated revenue, it is important to have a proper coordination among the multiple facets of the organisation. There needs to be a transparent communication between the marketing department, the sales department, the R & D department, the HR department and with the management as well.

Analyzing business performance

Here are some of the essential ways discussed, which help to maximize profits and improve sales almost to an exponential extent.

1. Proper Analysis of the Target Audience

It is highly important to have a thorough knowledge about the niche as well as the target audience of the industry.…

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