Online business owners often enjoy the flexibility of working from home or on-the-go, but as any company grows, there are certain needs that will arise. In the case of online businesses, needs typically transform with growth.
In this article, we’ll discuss when an online business owner should consider setting up a virtual headquarters. There’s a time and place for everything, and it’s important that online business owners setup a virtual headquarters at the perfect time. After reading this article, you’ll know what a virtual headquarters is, how it can benefit an online business, and when it’s the right time to setup a virtual headquarters.
What’s a virtual headquarters?
When a company growing and would like to carefully scale up their operations, a virtual headquarters can be an exceptional solution to their needs. A virtual headquarters is a physical location that can be anywhere around the world in relation to the company using it. In the case of online businesses, a virtual headquarters offers a physical address and office space, and many such virtual headquarters like the services provided by even offer extra support services.
If you are an online business owner, take heed. The following list included warning signs that it could be time to setup a virtual headquarters!
1. Do you want to offer a physical, professional impression for clients or customers?
As an online business owner, you’re accustomed to doing a certain amount of business from home or on-the-go. If you’ve realized that your company could benefit from the appearance of having a physical and dedicated business space, then it could be time to establish a virtual headquarters.
2. Would you like to keep your home address private?
Online businesses are often run from home, but when you run a business solely from home without an external address, that means your residential address could be made public. If you have found that you’re growing concerned about your residential address being available to the general public, then setting up a virtual headquarters would offer you a great deal of peace of mind.
3. Could your online business benefit from better Google rankings?
As you know, all businesses can benefit from higher Google rankings. When you are running an online business, however, being ranked is critical. When you have a physical and dedicated business address, you have the opportunity to enjoy better rankings on the Google search engine. This alone can help draw in more prospects to your business. Ultimately, creating a virtual headquarters could mean a better bottom line for you at the end of the day.
4. Would you like your online business to be included in Google Business listings?
Aside from simply ranking your website on Google, you probably also have noticed how local companies seem to get listed automatically in Google Business. If you have a dedicated business address, you can also get listed in Google Business. This only stands to help your chances of bringing in new customers. If you want to be eligible for Google Business, you’ve got to have a real address!
5. Do you want your online business included in online business directories?
Do you want to see your online business included in business directories such as YellowPages? If so, then a physical address is a must-have. Online business directories essentially offer free advertising for your online business, and if you aren’t listed in them, then you’re missing out on opportunities to make money. If you want to maximize your earnings, then setting up a virtual headquarters is a great strategy!
6. Is your growing company in need of a separate office space?
Perhaps your online business started out small. Now, you might be seeing growth. Growth leads to new opportunities, but you have to adapt accordingly. If you have outgrown your office space at home, then it might be time to setup a virtual headquarters. With a virtual headquarters, you get the affirmation of having a physical office space and more room to grow. Of course, you can always scale up or down later.
7. Could your business benefit from a local phone number and/or fax number?
As your online business has grown, have you noticed more and more customers calling you directly? If you would like to better balance life and work, or simply convey a more professional appearance for your customers, setting up a virtual headquarters is a great way to ensure that your customers can reach you around the clock via your dedicated business phone and fax numbers.
8. Would having a receptionist or virtual assistant help you manage your online business?
As your online business grows, are you finding less and less time to field phone calls and set appointments? If you just need a helping hand, you’ll be happy to hear that virtual headquarters can help with that. A virtual office space often includes a dedicated receptionist and/or virtual assistants who can provide around the clock care for your customers.

photo credit: Bill Couch / Flickr
Online businesses are becoming more and more predominant and show no signs of slowing down. To stand out in the crowd, you have to be able to show the most professional appearance possible.
Working from home is still possible when you set up a virtual headquarters. While you work from home, you can have support staff at your virtual headquarters handling administrative duties, and when you need to have a meeting, you’ll have the space at your disposal.
Keep in mind, no two virtual offices are the same, so be sure to do your due diligence and research when it comes to finding the virtual headquarters that is the best fit for your online business. You can even set up a virtual headquarters around the world!
There are many benefits to using virtual headquarters, and we hope this article has helped you decide whether or not it’s time to setup your own virtual headquarters.